
Om getting rid of a malevolent spirit?

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At this point in time we hav acknowledged 2, possibly 3 spirits in our home. The first is a lady...we have not gotten a clear picture of her...we know she is middle ages. She frequently

says "Hello!" to people in the shower and sings along to lullabies when they are played at night. The Second is we suspect a small child. Often at night you will hear a tinkling laugh and my kids' toys will make noise in the night as though being played with...even when my kids aren't home. The 3rd is the problem. He is older...possibly in his 60's...very Mark Twain in his appearance. He can be glimpsed at night outside of the front door, often peering in...when spotted he disapears. The motion lights by the front porch go off often and by themselves.

One night you could hear opera music and people talking.

But last night was the worst. Last night I was awakened by a very angry Scream, I could feel anger towards me. And sensed (not saw) a presence leaning over me.

Any thoughts/advice?




  1. Think happy thought, seriously. Malevolent spirits feed on negative energies. positive vibes deprive them of energy, and even if spirits don't exist you can't go wrong with a smile on your face and a positive frame of mind.

  2. My advice would be to stop the activity that is angering them.  My guess is it's the fact that you have tried to force them out of thier "home."  Up until now you have had really no problems with them.

    It's unnerving, and annoying at times.  I got to the point with a few of my homes, of just accepting them as part of the furniture basically, especially when things would just get literally a little, "too wierd."  I tried to keep as many people around as possible too.  After a while I just kinda got used to it.

    I mean, hey, at least it makes your house interesting.

  3. It sounds like you've created a nice cast of characters here.  Three generations no less.  Magical thinking and a fantasy-prone personality makes anything possible, right?

  4. The circumstances you listed are all ones where you would not expect to get reliable input from your senses. In the shower, the noise of the water is a lot like "white noise", offering many opportunities for imagining you're hearing voices or sounds in the mix. I don't know what a "tinkling laugh" is, but my son's toys sometime go off when no one is playing with them too, but I know it's because the electronics are cheap and the sensors in the toys aren't reliable. Mark Twain only appearing in your peripheral vision and never in your direct vision is very typical of an optical illusion caused by our poor peripheral vision. Just about anything moving can cause motion sensing lights to go off, most likely an animal.  And waking up to an angry scream -- how did you know you did not dream the scream, which then woke you up? The vast majority of ghost hauntings reported here happened while the person was going to sleep, sleeping, awoken from sleep or having recently woken from sleep. This is no coincidence.

    I hope you don't take this as being closed-minded, but I would encourage you to be open-minded to the possibilities that natural explanations exist for what you are assuming to be ghosts.

    Edit: Actually I'd expect your house guests to have similar experiences especially if they are familiar with your stories and have similar beliefs about the paranormal. Perception can be a strong function of preconception, i.e., power of suggestion.

  5. If these things are heard  clearly and consistently then it should be a simple matter to record them, when you have some credible evidence it is more easy to convince people that what you're saying is true. Until then your anecdote sounds like simply the product of an over active imagination.


    Please, excuse me, over active imaginationS.

    Beside we only have your word for it that your guests witnessed it also, maybe they were merely humouring you?

    So, how's that recording coming along?

  6. Seek professional help (i.e., a psychiatrist).

  7. My sister lived in a home that had much of the same thing going on.  She worked with a psychic medium to get help.   Things were calming down quite a bit and it had been peaceful for several days when  her 2 year old daughter was picked up and thrown.   They left the house and never went back.    If you don't feel threatened by the entities in your home I would suggest looking for a medium.   True mediums are very hard to find as they usually don't advertise.  She happened to find one that was working with some of the local police departments on missing persons cases.   I would start there.   Do you know any detectives or police officers that might be able to put you  in contact with one?   Until you can find a legitimate one I would pray daily for protection.   Envision you and your family, as well as the house, protected by a white light that nothing bad can enter.   Good luck.

  8. Tell the ghost to leave, or to stop doing things that bother you. This may sound too easy, but it was by far the suggestion I came across most often. Paranormal researchers think the majority of ghosts don’t recognize their own activities as bothersome to the living; some ghosts may not even realize they’re dead. When you address a ghost directly, you can explain that it is physically dead, but you are alive and you want it to leave your home. If you think you might be able to live with the ghost if only it didn't knock lamps off tables and flush the toilet in the middle of the night, try telling it that it can stay in your home if it stops doing those things. Never speak to a ghost when you feel frightened or angry, and always use a firm, unemotional tone.

    Clear your home of negative energy and spirits by “smudging” with sage. You can usually buy sage bundles at stores that sell herbs, incense, and/or hemp clothing. Try an alternative gift shop, food co-op, or head shop. When you’re ready to smudge, crack all your windows and light the sage bundle until it starts to smolder. If there’s a flame, blow it out. Then, holding a dish under the sage to catch ashes, walk through each room of your house, letting the smoke drift through the air, concentrating on corners and crannies, and using a large feather to waft smoke into ceiling corners. You can emphasize your purpose by repeating a mantra to the effect of, “I am cleansing this space of negative energies.”

    Pray—to whomever you believe in, whether that means God, your ancestors, or the spirits of late family members or friends. When you have a problem with something from the spirit world, it can’t hurt to enlist the help of caring or benevolent spirits. They may be able to help the ghost find its way to the spirit world, or convince it to leave you alone.

    Have your personal space blessed. If your ghost is malevolent or extremely persistent, you may be able to convince a member of the clergy to come to your home and bless the whole house or perform a religious ritual such as exorcism to banish the spirit. In less serious cases, or if you aren't’t up for having your sanity scrutinized first, you can simply ask a priest to bless some objects—you don’t have to tell him why—and place one in each room where you have experienced ghostly phenomena.


  9. Hello,,how long have you lived there? Did the situation just occur or did you "do" something to bring about the change?, if you believe that these are real, they are, just like other situations in life that sometimes create confusion. Not saying you're lying,no way, don't get me wrong, I've seen and been in the presence of something not living and actually knew the spirit, but that was not so hard because I knew the old lady for lots of years and had a friendly relations,(paperboy),she died in the bathtub and I moved in months later and WOW things were totally freaking weird, voices, noise from walking, cold wind while taking a bath, I just talked to her and told her basic things like go find something else to do. If you feel the spirit(s), try to understand the situation and persuade them to get along down the path they need to travel in the afterlife,,try to be nice and positive is the best, do not allow any negative to grow. if you can play some soft music for the child spirit and nicely instruct,"Mark Twain", to seek the universal forces away from this place you call home do it. If the scenes are repeating and you can record them without being constructive, do it and sell the video to some afterlife marketing . Maybe T.A.P.S would be interested in investigating, but try to do it yourself just to be more positive with your facts.

  10. I don't believe you've gotten any useful answers

    so far.

    You need to find someone who knows how to deal

    with these sort of things. I don't mean an investigator

    I mean a spiritual person. You obviously have some

    residual spirit energies at the house, and they will

    continue to be either amusing at times, or frightening

    and possibly even harmful until something is done.

    To put it very bluntly, they need to be reunited with

    their creator where they will find peace and will not

    return again. How that is done is not very common

    knowledge and your chances of finding someone

    who can do it are very slim.

    I would be glad to do it for you, if you happen to be

    near Tucson...


  11. Well I think malevant spirits are attrracted to people do to things in their life.  It may not really be a malevant spirit but possibly just confused. Try talking to him and just explain to him how it is just like you would if he was still alive and there with you.

    Here is an articale of removing a pesky ghost

    That website has many free helpful articles.


  12. The only way you can get rid of them is first by praying asking Jesus Christ to protect you and your family from all harm and danger. Next you need to command the spirits in the house to leave you, your family and your house in the name of Jesus Christ. If the problem persists or gets worst you need to consult a pastor for help or move out. A lot of times spirits are unwilling to come out of a particular house because they feel it is their territory and might react angrily to someone telling them to leave. However Jesus Christ is much stronger than those spirits and he will protect you from them if you ask him to.

  13. seek out help from the spiritually inclined,...catholics aren't the only ones that deal with this sort of thing, weary of psychics though unless you can do a thorough investigation of their reputation, you don't want to open your home to a crackpot looking to scam you. With all due respect and no offense intended, you don't seem very knowledgable about this sort of thing and therefore I encourage you NOT to try any sort of exorcism or "banishing" as you could just further irritate them. If you are a member of a church I'm certain your spiritual leader would be happy to help,...don't be embarassed to mention it to them. If not, you could still ask at a local church of a friend that you might be comfortable with. I'd love to help as I am experienced with this sort of thing, but unfortunately these days it would be all but impossible though. Best wishes and I hope things calm down soon one way or another.

  14. Sounds like you have a busy house! I believe we leave ourselves open to unwanted energies. If you cannot will them away you may want to consider someone that specialises in the paranormal. A prayer never hurts either. Good luck.

  15. Try to remain calm.

    Get some information about how to get in touch with an exorcist. I don't know anything about this, but you can start checking with local Catholic church. In the meanwhile try to relay the messages to the spirits that you wish all the best and they will find happiness when they make a transition on the other side.

    Have you just moved to this place or is it recent phenomenon? If it is an old house, check the previous records.

    May be do some internet search - I am not good at this.

  16. go ahead and report me, you do need psychiatric help, your constant 'sensing' of spirits in your home is a sign of several psychological dysfunctions...if you are serious in your statements in your 'question' you have a delusional problem that will need psychiatric intervention...if you are just seeking attention  as someone who may be 'sensitive to the spirit world' then you also need help, but for a different not delay calling your physician...

  17. I had to smile at your term "fun". As far as the ideas given, lots of merit but the first question could be, why do you have the situation? I do not mean that as sarcastic, but you hit a point about the exorcism and working only if the ghost is christian. Taking that you are serious, you seem to have something that is attracting the spirit. It could be that your wavelengths are close and he is curious. Being as he feels the potential for contact is there, he is frustrated it has not happened. I do not intend to minimize the situation, have you tried to or been able to have direct contact?

    I find that most spirits are very much like average living people. Not  good or bad, but a mixture of both.

    For the ones that are negative, use of a priest or prayer can provoke them, they generally have no respect for that sort of thing and may take it as an attack against them.

    The ones that are what is considered as psychic vampires, similar to the living psychic vampires, are a bit more of a nuisance. Thef do things to disturb harmony and then feed off the negative energy. Using a "white light" energy is also of no value, pushing any energy their direction is basically feeding them. They just do not have to try and take it, you do it freely. The most effective way I am aware of to deal with these, or most others to get them to leave is to have a psychic vampire draw energy from them. Finding one to help you is very difficult though. You can do the same thing yourself with certain stones. Black tourmaline is very effective, it absorbs negative energy. I have one near each corner of the house and it seems to help, I also have one in the car and another to carry in my pocket, it seems to help keep negative people at a distance. Rose quartz also does but is not as strong.The smudging with sage neutralizes the energy.

    If you try some of the things anyone suggests and the results are not satisfactory, I would seek a Shaman before a psychic. A psychic may, be able to make contact, but that is exactly what the Shaman does. They specialize in dealing with the spiritual world from inside the spiritual dimension. They can go directly to the heart of the problem whereas some others simply treat the symptoms. You may find someone who can help through an "open circle" in your area. It is a pagan group thet has an open mindset and welcomes anyone to learn about and from, they may have some reputable contacts. The last thing I can think of off the top of my head is to get an Iktomi's net. It is identicle to a dream catcher for most people but the ones I have seen, are generally tied for a specific purpose and the energy for that purpose is bound into it. They do hold the effect for many years.

    Sorry if this is a bit long, I have the same "fun" for the last 40 years and have had to learn to work with it. On oneoccasion I was actually grabbed, the psychic vampire was fast and effective, he is also an Iktomi Shaman.

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