
Omega 3 safe for vegetarians?

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In my house we get some sort of milk that's fortified with Omega 3. I know that Omega 3 usually comes from fish oil. So is the milk okay for vegetarians to drink, or does the Omega 3 in that come from fish?




  1. hemp seeds have omeg 3 ,6 and 9 along with e l a things 'shelled hemp seeds are fantastic an even the large retailers sell them

  2. It should list the source of the omega 3's either on the product label in the ingredients or online.

    Many of the fortified food items I've seen have omega 3's from flax seed, actually, rather than fish. However, when it comes to dairy, I have seen yogurt with fish oil in it, so it is very possible your milk is like that as well.

    Check online or check the label - you didn't give us the product name or any details, so short of psychic powers, I can't promise you whether it is from fish or not.

  3. Algal means it comes from Algae. This is what fish eat that gives them the Omega-3's. So yes, it's fine for vegans.

    I take an Algae derived Omega-3's as a supplement too. Helps our over-fished ocean friends.


  4. You can get Omega 3 from Flax seeds as well as fish.

  5. certain nuts,seeds and even beans have omega3,especially soy,so dont worry....

  6. It comes from fish. They would have to get hurt before before you can get the oils, so no it's not okay. If it comes from an animal. it is not and never was okay.

    However, that's for vegans more than vegetarians. If you still eat fish, then get the Omega 3, but if you don't, you shouldn't be allowing it in your body.

  7. I'm not a vegetarian, but I buy eggs that have omega 3 in them, I believe they feed flax seeds to the chickens. so if eggs are ok for you, that might be a good option to get omega 3 fat. I also buy ground flax seeds at trader joes and throw them on salad and oatmeal, put it in my home made bread, and whatever else it works with

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