
Omg, its official!!! she is mine!!!?

by  |  earlier

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the pics where she was right up to the fence are about 6 1/2 tall, almost 7 feet tall, so how tall do you think she is?

her name is Daisy May, but im changing it to Tori.

they say she is around 16 years old, but im not sure, she seems kind of feisty to be that old.

anyways, my question is, what kind of shows can i go to with her? im going to teach her to jump, only up to 3 feet, she is quarter horse/morgan, maybe arab.

mostly western, but we are getting english tack this christmas.

so, what kind of competitions can i go to with her?

thank you!




  1. well i hope you didnt pay more than 500 for that horse.  shes kinda too ugly and too old to show. good luck, i highly doubt she will keep up with the youngsters.

  2. OMG! Tori is so cute!!!! I love her!!! I remember the first time I got my first horse and how happy I felt! It doesnt matter how feisty she is. My horse Pretty Boy is 17 years old and he is spunky and full of energy all the time! Horses are very unsimular to humans. As they age, they can remain spunky, feisty, and full of energy. Pretty Boy was a western Ropping horse when we bought him. We transitioned him to english (jumping) durring a process of about a week. The first thing we did was work on the reins. It may take 4-5 days for them to get them down. but if you keep working on it they will get it down. That is when you can start working on jumping! I would start low! You can go to any type of competition you want. You just have to train her in that. If you want a hunter jumper show, train her for that!

    Good Luck :) I am very happy for you!

  3. Dont listen to everyone else you do want you want with your horse dont leave it up to othe rpeople to decide like dont listen to that girl who said it was bad luck and dont ask the horse ask yourself what do I wanna do not you. So its up to you what discipline do you think sounds the most fun and which ever you pick start tranning if she dosent seem to catch on dont worry she will eventually

    Hope this helped

  4. you do know that its bad luck to change a horses name?

  5. equone bussines there is nothing wrong with horse that are 16 or older they are still just horses she is soooo cute she looks short in the pictures here are a couple websites that could help you with it a hand is equal to 4 inches

  6. Horses are measured at their shoulder.  The high bump over them is called the whithers.  The top of the whithers is where they measure the height from.  She is about 14.2.  

    I still think she is a quarter horse arab cross.  In fact I am almost certain.  My arab is 14.3 and taller than she is so no she is not too tall for an arab.  Especially the polish arabs (like mine) which tend to be taller.

    I would simply do fun local shows.  16 is not that old, especially if she has arab in her (arabs tend to live longer and age slower).  But even quarter horses end up running barrels into their late teens and early twenties.

    Tori is a beautiful horse.  As long as she is calm she will serve you well for what you want to do with her.  

    Oh and as far as the bad luck to change a horse's name....Nonsense, we have had worse luck with the horses my wife hasn't renamed than the ones she has (not that we have had very bad luck with either).

  7. the pictures may be misleading because she  is standing way in front of it which makes her look bigger and the fence look smaller. take your handy-dandy measuring tape up to her and measure up to her withers. divides the inches by 4 and you have your height. also, try some fun classes to see what you both enjoy and stick with it!

  8. my 20 year old quater horse was "fiesty".  .  . so much so that he wasnt the safest horse to be around unless you knew him and what he liked to do. . . so you know 16 is old, but not dead for a horse.

    open shows, unless you have her papers proving her breed, then any breed show is not going to let you show there. as for the hight, just go measure her. . . last note, hope you got her vet checked. other then that good luck.

    edit: i showed my 18 year quarter horse and placed first a few times when i did go to shows, he was a jumper and won first with my friend who showed him in a class when her horse became lame... so you can show ANY aged horse and win, it just depends what you do, again why does everyone have a thing against old horses??? horses can live up to and beyond the age of 30 IF you take care of them. . . most good trainers dont start working with a horse till their 3-4 years old (depends who you ask, but the younger they break em and and start using them the higher the chance they'll be lame/unusable faster.) so a horse's career can start as late as 5-6 years after training it in any displine and working up the ladder.  16 is NOT too old to show.

  9. Is that horse in the high desert?  The back ground look familiar.  She is nice looking, congrats on getting her.  When you ride her you will see which way is best to take her...Also got a little tip, i dont know if the shelter in the first picture is at your house, if so you need to turn the legs around...short end should point in and place two clamps, i only see one there...This is for safety and the proper way to put them up...Most hardware stores in horsey areas carry those if you need to buy them.  I have put so many of those shelters up lately and i have 8 more sitting outside...UGH  

    Good luck with your new baby.

  10. congratulations

    she beautiful

    you can show her any way you want

    sounds like she quite tall i really thinks

    she looks like a mor-arab .

    try doing barrel racing and games

    with her is she like to go you will have a

    great time. you could also jump her.

    good luck

  11. She's getting old to be learing a new sport. If you wanted to show her then I would stick with the western gear and teach her western pleasure. It's not too strenuos. She's cute though a little pudgy and long in the back. Good luck.

  12. She's cute! Don't listen to the girl a couple answers above me... she's not ugly at all. She looks too tall/big to be Arab; I think the Morgan helped her out some with the small muzzle and defined head.

    You can try anything! Trail class is really fun... it's about maneuvering the horse over obstacles on a particular course. If you horse can jump 3 feet, is sure-footed, and listens well to you, this could be really good for your horse!

    "Horses must cross bridges, logs and other obstacles; stand quietly while a rider waves a flapping object around the horse; move sideways, often with front and rear feet on either side or a rail; make 90 and 180 degree turns while moving backwards, open and close a gate while mounted, and other maneuvers relevant (distantly) to everyday ranch or trail riding. While speed isn't judged, horses have a limited amount of time to complete each obstacle and can be penalized for refusing an obstacle or exceeding the allotted time. "

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