
Omg! A Ghost Is Haunting My House?!MAINLY ME?!

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When I was little i saw a ghost, no joke, in my house. A person died in my house so.... anywyas so i'm an early riser, so I woke up at like6 and stayedin my room for a bit. After a while, I heard footsteps and figured someone was awake. So i go out into the hall to see my sister infront of her room. She was wearing a long white dress. I got a bad vibe from her so I sat on her bed and felt something under the covers. It was my sister! I looked at her in the hall and in her bed! WTH? I ran into my room and started crying under the covers. Ever since then I've felt unsafe in my own house. Then this morning once again I was up early but decided to go back to sleep; I was asleep for a good 10 minutes but wasn't fully asleep. Suddenly I hear JEN!*echoe*. It was my sister. But she wasn't awake.. I kew admittely it was the ghost. Then I got really scaredand said "CAN YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE?WHAT DO YOU WANT?" I'm sleeping in a tent in my room btw(long story) Then I hear pitter pater against the side of my tent. It wasn't raining so it was not a leak. It sounded like it was spitting rain. It went on for 10 mniutes and I got kind of fed up I said "I wish this would stop, it's annoying" Then it stopped .....then started again. After awhile I moved my position and it stopped. Is there anyone who knows what's going on? PLEASE HELP! I'm not making it up! I was awake, it wasn't my imagination, just help please. I'm starting to get really scared. Why is this ghost haunting me? In the form of my sister? I'm only 13 and need your help!




  1. I believe you honey.  I know that some of us can see or hear ghosts.  It is not your fault that this is happening.  Ghosts are just there, we don't call them to us.  When I was a young married woman I lived in a haunted house for several months.  The knocking on the walls and footsteps on the stairs scared me, my husband and my dogs to pieces.  I'm an old grandma myself and I don't tell many people about the ghost because they always think it sounds crazy.

    I suggest that you pray for the ghost.  Ask God to release this soul from whatever binds it to your home.  Then pray for God to give you strength and courage.  I am a Christian so please don't get offended by my suggestion of prayer.  Try not to stay alone at night.  For some reason that makes the ghost very active.

  2. The only reason why it likes harassing you so much is because you're scared of it. It gains strength from you being scared.  

  3. Pray and HONESTLY that isnt a ghost haunting you its something else. Ghost dont take on the from of people there are other entities that do. I guess you cant tell your parents because they wont believe you, you should tell your sister. Is your sister older?

  4. don't be scared cause they know when your scared and they will tend to scary you more. Tell your parents what you have seen and heared and call a preist to bless your whole house. Thats What my parents did When we moved to our house When I was 4. And a man died in our house to. He died in our hall way and right infront of my door way to my bedroom. but i never seen a ghost in my whole life. so call a priest.

  5. Here is what I would do.... start pretending to be asleep in the morning untill someone else got up... i wouldn't be able to do that & get bored so i would end up telling my parents they would think i am crazy and just dreaming. So i the mornings I will get right up & run into their room & wake them up. They would either see something or hear something (maybe) but either way I would call in some ghost peolpe to check out the house. Or you can try staying in a hotel & see if it still bothers you.

  6. Woah. That's crazy. The one thing you should do is not freak out. If you see it again don't run away. Say something to the 'ghost' and see if she can talk to you. If you stay there long enough maybe you won't be scared and can figure out what is going on. If some how  you find out it is a evil force... Then you can have exorcisms done. Like when priests come to yur house and do rituals to get rid of spirits. O and tell your parents. See what they say

  7. ok first of all i have seen ghost myself and lets called them by their real name DEMONS...ur a christian they attack u because u are learning about the TRUTH theres so much i want to explain to you if u have an msn add me  

  8. Hi Jenn D,

    Please say this out loud : " In the name of God and Jesus you are dead go to the light, it is time to go home to heaven". The ghost is "earth bound" that means the ghost does not realise he/she is dead, he/she is wondering why you and your family are living in his/her house, you have to let them know it is time to go to heaven and the light.

    Don't be afraid he/she won't do anything to you or your family, keep saying it until you notice he/she is gone.

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