
Omg! I have 6 hours of community service that i was supposed to do over break due tomorrow! What should I do?

by Guest56151  |  earlier

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I guess I'm going to do it or most of it, anyway, tomorrow. What should I do specifically, though? I know I shouldn't have waited until the last minute, but, ugh...




  1. You could try calling your local library.  Many times they are happy to have some extra help.

  2. I'd say the library will be your best bet for last minute stuff, hope they're open on a Sunday!

  3. u can volunteer at boys & girls club or anywhere u think will be fun

  4. Go pick up trash in a public park/playground. Use gloves, and dont pick up anything sharp/dangerous, though.

    Go volunteer at a senior citizen's home. Visit with them, play board games, etc.

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