
Omg! I iz Boreded!!! (guy question)?

by  |  earlier

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ok, what are qualities you look for in a girl?




  1. well pretty, smart, talented if they arent i dont mind. talks average not too much. Likes to do some stuff that i like to do if they dont i dont mind. umm... hangs out with me most of the time. is nice and kind lol. im giving short stuff =p. basically their personality mostly

  2. I like girls that can support my 500 dollar a week heroin addiction

  3. i like girls that DONT ask this stupid *** question  

  4. here are the basics. the girl needs to be intelligent, attractive(cute), and have a good/cute personality

    here are my own qualities in addition to the basics.  shorter than i am (i'm 5'4"), loyal, no smoking, no drug use, not an alcoholic, but the occasional drink is fine, willing to do things i like, able to voice her own opinion, able to talk to me about anything, accept me for who i am.  there are a bunch of other qualities that i want in a girl, but these are the ones that come to mind right now

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