
Omg! I really need some advice now

by  |  earlier

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I am 27 and I'm not a qualified barrister or nurse, and I don't have 3 kids. My boyfriend is not a geriatric and I haven't saved myself for our wedding night. What can i possibly do to sort out the mess I have made of my life? I also don't have several foreign holidays or have PND




  1. And...?

  2. Is it just me or is this question plain weird.

  3. I am in the same boat. Life is what happens when we are planning for something else.

    The best thing to do is sit down, write what you like about your life, what you don't like and what you want to change.

    Then put the list somewhere prominent and start working through it.

    And never compare yourself to other people. For all you know they are doing the same and envying how great your life is.

  4. what advice your living in the real world,lol.thats a first ,a question which has confused me,what can i say,great keep up all the good work.

  5. Go plant some TULIPS and maybe, just maybe they will sprinkle magic dust on you, so you can be this wonderful person and everybody will LOVE you.

    Oi why the thumbs down?, I am taking the mick out of the thing 'loved'.

  6. yes, your question is a litle weird, you start out by sounding so desperate and then when I read the details it seems like you are desperate to become a somebody.......did I read that right? in which case, my anser already are somebody. how does the saying go, be your perfect self rather than a second best somebody else...something like that anyhow. By looking at other people and comparing them to yourself, you are skipping over the best bits about you and your life.

  7. I got some rope if you like?

    Edit: But dont despair, your depression can also be cured in two days flat.....

  8. say three hail marys, and ask your doc for Prozac

  9. So? If you're happy then that's wonderful. If you're not, do something about it.

  10. im 27 and i think you have done well not to have done any of those things

  11. Look being a peasant isn't that bad really, at least you won't have to spend thousands (if you had money) on stupid possessions and fancy houses....Be thankful you could be like Tulip...Then you know your in x

  12. You could always just invent yourself a fantasy life on the internet. I tell everyone I'm happily married to a handsome spaniard and I speak 3 languages. In reality I'm a hotdog seller from Houndslow.

  13. I feel sorry for you---hang on tho' aren't you married to Dave -lucky cow.At least you aint loved -thank the lord

  14. Don't sell out to the revolution, it is upon us it is upon us. Viva la Revolution.  

  15. You obviously need to change your name to UNLOVED immediately.  

  16. just give up and be lazy girl.there is nothing you can do now :)

  17. Is there an Alpha course at your local church?

    ( not actually sure what that is  but it's  forever being advertised as a way to get your life back on track!)

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