
Omg!!!! Im so scared!!!!?

by Guest57386  |  earlier

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Today i was walkin to the store & this guy passed me & my friend & he got mad cuz i didnt say hi! Im afraid i might see him again!!!! What should i do. Should i carry a knife of buy a tazzer gun or pepper spray . . . . . .something!!!! Im so freaked out right now. I had to call my friends dad to come pick me up at the local pool!!!! But i doubt i'll be goin back!!!! Please help!!




  1. He is not gonna do anything. wow im in high school and i know this

  2. i would of said hi...thats how i am..but if you don't do that then the next time you see him again...tell him i don't say "hi"to a stranger,sorry man

  3. This makes no sense a stranger got mad at you for not saying hi?  or was this someone you knew?

  4. well if he got mad you should already have called the police, if he approaches you again, ignore him and walk on and if he persists call police and take further steps

  5. I doubt he's gonna go beyond verbal abuse just cause u didn't say hi , if anything pepper spray would be the best thing to carry in ur bag in an emergency only tho Lol

  6. get out of his way if you see him again, cross the road or dodge into the shop, stay where there a lots of people

    if he still bothers you call the cops

    if you dont kknow him

    dont speak

  7. learn self defence

  8. well now you have an interesting and funny problem. talk to a gaurdian and aviod contact.always stick with a "buddy" in other words dont walk alone.i hope the best for you and take care?

  9. get pepper spray...that way the cops cant do anything.

    people do this all the time where i live >.>

  10. y would a stranger get mad at u...if u knew him i say call the police if he ever does this again i wouldnt take a chance

  11. Maby you knew him but didnt recognize him!

    If thats no the case then just be carefull and dont go by there alone!

  12. call the cops or just be with a friend or carry pepper spray, but only use it if he attacks you.

  13. go get a plastic gun and threathen the beejezis outta him, a real gun would work too, put it around his neck just so he feels the cold steel and knows you're not joking around, tell him you know where he lives and if he tries or step any closer, you're the last thing he will ever see....

    i bet you, he will be the one considering calling the cops

    he'll move to another state.

  14. You need to learn how to handle such events. Life is messy and you'll always be running into someone trying to upset the apple cart. Sounds like the guy is mental and/or is a bully. I have learned to stand my ground, look him in the eye and not run. But I have an Irish temper when pushed. :o)

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