
Omg Is it still up there?

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did they get it or not.! are we are DLTD?

I NEED to know...i am not ready to be a fossil./?

dltd..dooooomed like the dinasaws!:-(((




  1. Your avatar is pricelesss.... I love it!!!

    Yes, they shot down the satellite.

  2. WHAT?!?!?!!? are you on drugs?

  3. I don't know, but I'll watch the news tonight.  I forgot all about this, it sounds scary.  Well, all we could do is pray that it doesn't hit the earth....if it happens, it was nice to meet you and writing to you about it.


  5. go to google and search web bot 2012 and then talk about "the end"

  6. lame

  7. Hi, homersensual....can you give me a massage?.........hahahaa...

  8. Your fine.  They already launched it into space and they said that the next 24-48 hours will give them more info.  they struck the gas tank which created a fireball.  and the biggest piece they have of the satellite so far was the size of a football and most of it has gone to the Atlantic and Pacific ocean.  No we are not dltd.  Look it up and you can see images of the missile going into the air and hitting the satellite.

  9. no they blew it up look at they have a video of the conference after they blew it up :)

  10. I heard about this on the radio the other day.

    Quite shocking.

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