
Omg a mouse is in my house?

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I woke up downstairs on my couch to a mouse. I don't know where to start. What is the best way to catch/kill it. Is it safe to let my dog catch it? I have no idea what to do and I won't be able to sleep unless it is gone.




  1. Wild mice are not cute. They may appear rather sweet little animals individually but there is nothing cute about cleaning up the disease-carrying faeces of a mouse. And they breed very rapidly. Get rid of your mouse toute de suite and the tooter the sweeter.

    Mousetraps sound horrible but if the bait is set properly the mouse's neck should break at one snap and he won't feel a thing. I used to use a titbit of bacon strategically tucked into a mousetrap, leaving about a third of the strip hanging free. The trouble with cheese is it's crumbly enough for mice just to nibble it off the trap, getting off scot free.

    Poison is only a last resort - if you have a mini-plague; this won't happen if you act fast. It's important to find out where the mouse came from. Check cupboards and if there has been any sign of nibbling on the outside doors. You might try stuffing cracks with steel wool. Just make sure the mouse's relatives can't follow him.

  2. Ok you have some options:

    1/ The dog will probably kill it. It may not mean to they forget how big they are. If its intentional and it does eat it theres not much to worry about. The dog may get sick as they arent used to digesting mice!

    2/ If you want to kill it you can get a mouse trap fairly cheap in a local hardwear store - Dont use cheese use kit kat they love that stuff! It wont take long before it goes snap - remember to check it daily you dont want a rotting mouse carcus! If the dog eats it your dog will get sick! (trust me domestic animals are not too hot at identifying safe things to eat)

    3/ You can get a humane mouse trap (again from a heardwear store)  this will just trap the mouse and you can take it to another location and free it.

    4/ call in an exterminator they come in all shapes and sizes from the catch and free kind to the kill it kind just make your choice.

    DO NOT LEAVE THIS TOO LONG! There is more than likely a breeding pair and you will get over run if you dont take action!

    Hope this helps!

  3. Try one of those glue traps where you saw it running at. Mice generally travel the same path everyday. Leave the trap flat this way it doesn't know it's there. They are still alive once caught, but I just throw it in the trash.

  4. Don't worry the cute mousy won't hurt you, at the least the dog may kill it...


  5. If your dog can catch it then let it, Fox terriers were bred to catch Rats so a mouse isn't going to hurt your dog.

  6. Use a mouse trap, put chocolate on it because they like that more than cheese!

    Either bury of throw it an outside bin.

    They are harmless and don't worry, I get them all the time because I live near some feilds.

    Hope this helps

  7. spread some ground black pepper in places you think the mouse is hiding at, this will force it to get out of your house.

  8. I made a humane mouse trap that kills them but not messy. First you take a tablespoon with a mixture of oatmeal and peanut butter on it. This is your diving board. Next fill the kitchen sink half full with water. Next set the spoon out over the water using a dishrag to hold down the handle part near the end of the spoon. The mouse sees the food and goes out onto the food for an easy meal and all of a sudden his weight drops the spoon into the sink. You will find the mouse floating face down the next morning. Take him out and chuck it in the trash can for a decent burial in the local landfill. Works like a dream. i currently have 14 drownings to my credit.

  9. buy a mouse/rat trap and set 1 behind the frige and 1 behind the couch (its the most common place a mouse will be hiding trust me) set it with cheese.

    if you wanna let your dog catch the mouse then make sure you DO NOT put poison around the house to kill the mouses/rats if you do the mouse will most likely to come out of its little hidey hole and die somewere in your house and if the dog comes inside often, the dog may eat the mouse and get poisoned from the mouse.

    so that is the risk.....

    good luck :)

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