
Omg help me PLEASE!?

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i need to get some more free time, so im deciding to quit one of the sprts i currently do...




i love them all so much. if you had to quit one which would it be? which is your favorite?




  1. either decide between soccer or cheerleading

    personally id drop cheerleading as im a soccer player

    cause once your in highschool their going to conflict w/ one another and yourll only be able to do one

  2. What's tumbling?  It doesn't sound too important, why not quit that?

  3. i would say quit cheerleading and tumbling and stay in soccer you can get somewhere with that. But it's whatever you want that's just  my opinion.

  4. i would say soccer. soccer is alot of fun, but if tumbling and cheerlesading tie together, doing one or the other would be weird. if tumbling helps you with cheer but you quit tumbling, that affects cheer... and if you quit cheer then theres no point in the tumbling.... am i rite? huh? so id say quit the soccer.

  5. Focus on the one your the best at and that you enjoy the most. If it was cheerleading, then I'd quit soccer. Because tumbling is for cheerleading purposes. And practice always helps.

    Orrr you could also quit the sport that is the most time consuming if you'r looking for more free time.

    It's all your decision. You live your life. Not us. Go for what feels right. :]

  6. quit cheerleading you can still do tumbling it builds muscle AND is still sort of like cheerleading

  7. i would quit tumbling, because you can still tumble in cheerleading. but soccer is fun and so is cheering.

  8. 1 st of all there all pretty lame

    cheerleader is g*y

    soccer is for Mexicans

    tumbling is for fat people

  9. i would say cheer leading would be the one i would drop tumbling and soccer are both fun and you can only play soccer during the warmer months so you can do tumbling during the winter and cheerleading is a little more dangerous and kind of boring

  10. ehh quit tumbling

  11. i would quit soccer i quit soccer 4 cheerleading 2

    <3 good luck

  12. soccer is cool! quit cheerleading

  13. i love to cheer!

  14. why ask us?!?!??

    we are random strangers over the net. chances are, my favorite out of those isnt your favorite.

    quit the one that gives you the least thrill.

    answer mine?

  15. in my opinion, tumbling and soccer are the two sports that require a lot of skill to do. cheerleading, not as much. i would keep up with the challenging sports and stop the cheerleading.

  16. quit cheerleading b/c soccer and tumbling require skill and are things you can do when you're older and they will keep you fit and flexible.

  17. i would say if you quit any it should be soccer. because if you quit cheerleading there wouldnt be a point for tumbling. if you quit tumbling your cheerleading might suffer.

  18. i would drop soccer. i'm a cheerleader though so. and soccer players and cheerleaders never get along. i find cheerleading amazing because it is dangerous. theres nothing i loved more than being thrown in the air or put in a lib. of course as a base also i'v had my fair share of black eyes and such.

    the choice is up to you, why don't u pick what your best at. by the looks of it tumbling and cheerleading go hand in hand. and there aren't many tumblers out there anymore. me and another girl where the only girls in the school who could handsprings.

  19. I'd quite cheerleading. Tumbling is good for strength and balance, and soccer is a good cardiovascular sport.

  20. quit soccer so u can focus on cheer

  21. Quit soccer !

  22. i would quit tumbling it sounds boring...... and useless.

  23. I'm sorry to say this but this is your descion no one can decide this is your personal favourite hobbies.

    Is their no way around not giving one up?

    I think if you enjoy a sport keep it thei must be a way around it somehow?

    Good luck x

  24. I'd quit tumbling if I were you, since you like cheerleading so much and that's really just an extra activity to help your cheering.  But, if you are really interested in cheerleading and doing it for high school, you might want to quit soccer.  What are you better at - cheering or soccer?

  25. im a cheerleader for my highschool myself. and since you only want to quit one i would say quit soccer because tumbling and cheerleading go together, but if you have all the tumbling you want then quit that class because you would be playing two different sports and may be less boring then one sport

  26. i'd quit tumbling,, probably cuz i dno't knoow what it is

  27. soccer! hahaha sorry i dont like soccer, ive been cheering for 10 years now and tumbling for about 12. if you still want to cheer, definately dont quit tumbling. im a flyer to and have been my whole life, its dangerous, but if your a good flyer you shouldnt get hurt too bad. i have never gotten seriously hurt. so quit soccer(:

  28. Soccer  would be my least favorite.

    I love tumbling, but people misjudge it.  It isn't boring at all.  I used to cheer lead(it was minor, part of my baton group) and I found it rather boring without a team.   I would quit either soccer or cheer leading, but I'm sure the tumbling helps improve your cheer leading skills, so I would quit soccer.
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