
Omg help please is there a way to delete this, im in so much trouble!?

by  |  earlier

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facebook, i tagged someone in a photo, and his friends told me hes gonna be mad, i dont want him to hurt me, when you go on his profile it says Stacy tagged Qusai, how can i not show him that i tagged him before he goes online OMG PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!




  1. tell him someone hacked your account

  2. are u a girl...because if u r, if he hurt u in anyway, he will probly get his *** kicked for hitting a girl. dont worry about it, its just a picture. he will get over it.   but if ur tht worried. just take the pic off and put it back on.

  3. you can not retrack a tagged in facebook

  4. ""i dont want him to hurt me""

    maybe you should call the police, rather than try to delete a tag on facebook..just a thought

  5. Well I guess you can either confess or be a coward and run.

  6. any guy that is willing to hurt a woman bacause he's in a picture is a jerk

    and if you think he really will hurt you, get help

    but yeah

    delete the picture and put it back up without tagging him

  7. Is he a fugutive?

    A serial killer?

    A rapist/polygamist/incestual being?

    What reason does he have to be mad?

  8. awww :( good luck, hope everything turns out alright!

    just delete the photo and click the "x" next to where it says "stacy tagged the photo" delete the story!

  9. There should be an option where you can just X the name or link or whatever it is on the picture, or you should be able to view the tags, and then just delete it, it's probably really easy. I don't use facebook much, but I'm assuming it's almost like myspace.

  10. delete the picturee..? upload it again.. dont tag him.?

  11. u have to untag him, go to editing photo albums and where you see his name besides it click delete

  12. delete the photo....

  13. Logout, Delete your account and run!

  14. im not familiar with the term "tagged" but how come he'll be so mad?

  15. delete the tag

    why are u friends with someone who would hurt u?

  16. delete the photo

  17. go to where you upload the photo, and the same way you tagged someone just hit remove tag

  18. I recall seeing this question before.

    Try what these people suggested in this prior question:

  19. you could delete the photo and then repost it other wise i have no idea it could have a button above your picture with whatever you taged with a red X and you could hit that and it'll delete the tags (maybe thats myspace) but good luck!

  20. relax, hes not gonna do anything, just spray him with acid and run.

  21. what is a tag in facebook?

    why should he be mad at you if you tagged him?

    yeah just delete the photo

    once deleted it won't have his name on it, right?

    it will just show that you tagged it and no words will be there

  22. you can't remove the updates on another persons page, you can on your own and you can remove the tags. But he will see it when he goes on his page, sorry.  

  23. d**n, stacy keibler is SO FINE!!

  24. i don't have a facebook but on myspace there's a little X near where you tagged a person and you just click that and it un-tags the person.

    i'm sorry if it's not the same for facebook. i wouldn't know.

    hope it is though(:

  25. Maybe you won't get in trouble. He might be ok with it.

    Put someone else in the photo.

  26. Show him your ****.

  27. delete the tag... u can do that.. and im not sure but u might be able to delete it from the mini feed or something.. well anyways.... he will find out cuz he got an email

  28. remove the tag and delete the photo

  29. Even if you delete the pic and it still says Stacy tagged a pic then he won't know what pic it was will he?

    If he asks why it says that you tagged him in a pic he can't see now, just tell him that you loaded a whole bunch of pics and some of them got wiped out or something, just blame it on the computer!

  30. he cant hurt u Cuz its illegal to hit or hurt women

  31. Lie. Say one of your friends/siblings/relatives went on your account and tagged him. Say they were extremely silly and that you deleted the tag. Only tell him this if he asks though. If he never brings it up, you're fine!

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