Question: could this happen?

by  |  earlier

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so. this weekend me and 3 friends went to vegas. a friend of mine wanted to smoke so he wanted to spark up the cigerate in the hotle room but i didnt want my mom to smell it in the room so my brother sugggested he smoke by the vending machines in the hallway of the hotel room.they didnt want to go all the way outside(we were on the 33 floor) so they 3 leave the room and i stay in the room to wait for them. all of a sudden i hear the fire alarms go off and i was like OMG! so i run out and i see them running into the room and close the door. all of the guests evacuated their rooms with their luggage and kids. it was hilarious. we are all 17 year olds...who knew your not supposed to smoke in a non smoking room...




  1. At 17, if you can't interpret a picture sign, our educational practices are in serious trouble. By the way, I hope your parents like the bill they will receive when they review the video tapes and then send the bill for cleaning, the fire departments service call, and the trouble you put other guests through.

    My family lives in and around Vegas, the last time I heard of someone being stupid enough to violate the non smoking rule ended up with a fine close to 5  and that was without the fire department being called upon.

  2. no one knew it was you !?

    Think again - there are Camera's everywhere.

    Watch your mailbox, you may get a big bill !

  3. i think this is a crime   people could have been hurt getting out of the hotel.

  4. I have been to Vegas many times, usually go 2 or 3 times a year and have stayed in many hotels there and have never heard of anything like this.  My bet is that the alarm went off for some reason other than their smoking.  The casinos do have cameras watching the floors as well as the casinos but its unlikely that they would trigger a fire alarm to evacuate the hotel just because someone was smoking.  If anything you friends pulled an alarm or someone did.  If they did,  that's exactly why adults would not want young kids loose and unsupervised in a casino/hotel.

  5. whats the question?

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