
Omg how do i get rid of this or when will it go away....?

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Im 7 weeks pregnant. And i have like full blown morning sickness and then im sick ALL throughout the day. i cant keep anything down and im also scared that im throwing up the prenatal vitamin. When will this go away or what can i do to help it? ive tried crackers and all that. DOESNT WORK haha!




  1. my ob gave me a pill I cant remember the name but its bright yellow and IT WORKS  so well and till you see your ob again take your prenatal right when you go to bed so you don't expel it lol

  2. Prenatal vitamins are encouraged to every woman because only some don't have the nutrients to take sustain a birth. It'll go away more than likely after 12 weeks, or just lessen. Make sure you stay hydrated, and good luck!

  3. Okay I know this is going to sound strange but pear juice. Buy a can of pears and drink the juice. When I was prego with my first one the nurse at the drs office told me to try it and I thought she was crazy but sure enough I tried it and it worked like a charm.

  4. Eat small meals often, drink fluids 1/2 hour before or after a meal, but not with meals, drink small amounts of fluids during the day to avoid dehydration, eat soda crackers 15 minutes before getting up in the morning, avoid foods and smells that increase nausea, get plenty of rest and nap during the day, avoid warm places (feeling hot adds to nausea), eat salty potato chips (they have been found to settle stomachs enough to eat a meal), exercise.  Don't lie down after eating or cook or eat spicy food. Unfortunately, morning sickness is one of those things you have to deal with right now. If these don't work it should at least decrease your nausea. Hopefully, it'll go away after your first trimester

  5. I was the same way. Mine just stopped. I had to have my doctor prescribe me medicine to keep everything down. This may not work, but try mash potatoes (no gravy). They worked for me... idk why, but it did. I hope you can get through this because I know it really sucks.

  6. go to your doctors and ask him to give you some finagren that will help with the nasuea alot and then you should be able to eat something. there are really no home made cures to help with morning sickness!

  7. Nothing worked for me. I threw up from 7 weeks when I found out until 6 months. Finally because I was losing weight. (12 lbs) my dr. perscribed me anti-nausea meds. Keep in mind they made me really loopy. So instead of throwing up EVERY single morning.. I was the biggest goof on the planet. And couldnt drive. It all finally stopped at 7 months pregnant. Talk to your dr. but make sure you have a driver lol


  8. I'm 13 weeks and nothing ever really helped me (not even the pills). Just eat foods you KNOW you can keep down. Four days in a row it was a double cheeseburger extra pickles only lol. My ob-gyn even switched me to Flinstone vitamins. Good luck and congrats!

  9. I have the same problem... I have been drinking ginger beer / ginger ale and it works a treat!

  10. My went away at 11 weeks. I'm 14 weeks now and only get sick every once in awhile. I was like you from week 6 til 11..ALWAYS sick, i only threw up once, but i lost weight and never wanted to eat. It will eventually go away. Your best bet is to ask your doc when you see him or her and ask them if your losing your vitams when you vomit! Good luck, it will go away eventually!

    Try saltines and gatorade!

  11. The only thing that worked for me was Zofran, and most doctors aren't going to prescribe that to you in the first trimester.

    Unfortunately, morning sickness happens, especially during the first trimester.

    The only thing that seemed to help for me was sour patch kids.'

    If it still persists into the second trimester, your doctor can give you Zofran.

  12. Zofran is the ****...haha.  I had morning sickness with vomiting EVERYTIME I would move the whole first trimester.  The ONLY thing that worked was Zofran, a medication your doctor can give you.  Crackers are a joke lol.

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