
Omg! i cant believe it!! wut do i do!!! ahhhhhhh!!??? =[[?

by  |  earlier

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ok so last school year i saw this guy and i was like omg hes so hot!

but then i saw him again and i was like lol he kinda looks like a girl sorta not rly.

but then it turns out tht he is actually a she!

but she dresses in boy clothes and hangs out with them so i thought [a lot off ppl thought] she was a guy.

then when i went school shopping at the mall i went in to a shoe store and was like omg theres a hot guy in here and then i was like wait is tht? and it was her. so then me and my friend go back just to hang out i show 'him' to her and shes like u can tell thts a girl!

and u could only cuz she was wearin a shirt tht wasnt baggy so u could tell.

but when shes in boy clothes u cant tell!

and i still like 'him' but i also still like boys tht r boys.

so my question, is this normal or wut??

im 15 btw....

u rly cant tell when she has boy clothes on! unless u stare for like ever at her!

so like wut do i need to do??

i told one of my friends and she like r u bi?

and i was like idk

and she said well u like tht girl and i was like yea and i also thought tila tequila was hot!

so does tht make me bi?

i told one of my friends and she like r u bi?

and iwa like idk

and she said well u like tht girl and i was like yea and i also thought tila tequila was hot!

so does tht make me bi?

plz dont be rude. im so confused!!!




  1. Well, confusion is natural and I've felt the way you do a million times before.

    The answer I've settled on is that we don't really need an answer.  You don't have to classify yourself as bi or a L*****n or anything.  You are what you are, you like who you like, and everyone, whether they admit it or not, is slightly bisexual.

    You're normal.

    I promise.

    Don't worry about it and don't let your friends get you down.

    Good luck.


  3. You can find your same s*x pretty or hot without being bisexual.

    And Bi curious means that you're not quite bi, but you're not totally straight.

  4. Brianna Marie is right you can find someone to be attractive without being bi or having a sexual attraction. The fact that you find this person hot does not mean you like them enough that you want a relationship. You shouldn't be confused if you're bi or not, if you only think this person is hot. However, if you have stronger more powerful feelings for the person then you should be concerned( if you are not comfortable being bi) But if that's not the case then don't worry.

  5. I've said this many times. Forget about labels, unless there is some checkbox on a form you have to fill out for school or work. Otherwise do what your heart wants to do. You are young and these confusing feelings are perfectly normal. But the safest thing to do once you decide to take action is keep your mouth shut. Your personal business should stay personal, unless you are looking for bragging rights.

    Live how you want to live

    Love who you want to love.

  6. every teens go through this stage it is normal no one can tell you if your Bi,g*y or whatever only you know that.

    it is ok for girls to think girls are hot,cute,s**y with out them being g*y

    but if a guy calls another guy hot or s**y or cute well that is not right  

  7. I don't know what anybody else will say, but it is normal for straight people  to have a few crushes on people of the same s*x during their teen years, and it doesn't mean they are homosexual or bisexual as long as they mainly like those of the opposite s*x.

    Also, since you thought she was a guy at first, your brain is tricked into believing that's what she was, so when you thought she was a guy, you formed a crush. You don't get over it, even though you found out "he" was a girl.

    Don't focus on that girl too much, find a guy who is actually a guy!!

    By the way, this will be a great story to tell your grandchildren when you grow up.

  8. Tila Tequila is hot...that doesn't make me bisexual.

    Can you see yourself in a relationship (romantic/sexually) with a female d**e or not?

    If you can then perhaps you are bi curious.

    I've actually been attracted to one d**e who looked like a full fledged male until I found out it was a female.

    If it looks like a guy but isn't, doesn't make you bi unless you would consider being with her.

  9. Go and talk with her, and see where it goes from there. Too early to tell if your Bi right now.  

  10. No need to freak out. Just because you found another girl good looking doesn't all of the sudden make you bi. The only thing you seem confused about is that you thought she was hot, and therefore made her out to be the perfect person in your own mind. Therefore, when "he" turned out to be "she," you felt let down, but didn't want to get rid of those wonderful feelings you got by looking at "her." Say by some fluke, you hooked up with "her" and you were together. If you are straight, you two simply wouldn't work out between you two. If you were bi, then no big deal, that just means you find both sexes appealing.

    Also, if you were bisexual, you would see girls that you knew were girls and start thinking about them. Finding another girl attractive is one thing, but wanting to be with another girl is another thing. Bisexuality all comes down to if you could have a relationship with this person. It sounds like probably not, so it was just a strange point in your life that you happened to dwell on. It happens a lot at your age.  

  11. I really don't think that you are bi. I mean you are entitled to your own opinion, and if you don't want to have s*x or feel sexually attracted to this person then I don't think that in the situation you should be considered bi. Maybe you should look for other guys and forget about this girl, or then again maybe you should get to know her. Whatever your choice is , it's your choice and don't anybody tell you otherwise. & if you thought Tila Tequila was hot then I'm with you. So we are part of the same s*x, it doesn't mean we're bi-sexual or L*****n.  

  12. usually when someone finds out that "he" isn't really a "he" then you should just move on.  it's ok to think a girl is nice looking but don't go obsessing over it.  i think your reading too much into the situation!

  13. she sounds like a butch L*****n... gross i dont think your bi though unless you like her cause shes a girl

  14. You can find a girl attractive without being bisexual.

    Do you want to have s*x with a girl? Do you want a relationship with one?

    If not then no, you're not bisexual.

  15. LOOOL

    NO that does not make you bi!!

    All these answers are ridiculous and drawn out. The answer is no. You thought it was a guy. You were attracted to (what you thought was) a guy! Not a girl

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