
Omg i cant take it anymore.?

by  |  earlier

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my husband just spent his last few dollars on take out and now he wants me to spend the last of my money on cigarettes which was for the babys milk.

my grampa died tonight and what did he do went out and got high with the guys. I just cant keep doing this over and over




  1. You two should see a financial consultant to help assess your finances. You should also look into WIC assistance for your child.

  2. Hit him over the head with a frying pan.  If he puts cigarettes above feeding his baby he is a miserable as- and needs to have his sorry as- kicked into next week.  Ditch him

  3. Always remember this, there is a lot of power in knowing you are right. Your Grandpa just died and he completely disrespects you by going out and getting high with the guys?? That's horrible!  You know you are right on that and so you hold your head high, and believe that no matter what happens, you and your children will be okay. Keep a good head on your shoulders like you already seem to have. Stand up for your children and always let him know that the children come first...always. Start thinking of ways to get your power back...many times people lose themselves in their relationships with their partners. Keep in touch with the person you were before he came along. I'm not saying that you definitely have lost yourself, but I am just asking that you be aware just in case. It happens too often....women start feeling like they have no say in how things are. Good luck to you and I hope this helps.

  4. wow! he is twenty eight years old he has had his time to go out with tha boys...its time to be a husband and father now...what the big problem is, the communication between the two of need to sit him down and tell him!

  5. i'm sorry to hear about your grandpa, i know that's a lot to deal with along with having an immature and irrational husband. i would tell him in plain english that the money is for the baby and if he wants cigarettes then he is going to have to find the money elsewhere. i have had relationships like this so i know what you mean. and having children with this man makes the situation worse. do you have options such as staying with your mom, aunt, grandma, siblings until you can get on your feet again? honestly, you don't need to be with someone that is only looking out for themselves. i feel your pain and confusion, no one should have to deal with childish husbands, but unfortunately they're out there. the question for you is: how much longer are you going to subject yourself to his way of life? is this how you see your life in the next ten years? are you going to give up money for cigarettes, drugs, alcohol whatever when your kids need money for other things? today it's milk money, tomorrow it could be rent money and then where will you go when you can't pay rent with two kids who need a roof over their head and food on the table? take my advice, you are better than this and your kids deserve better. get out now before you waste anymore time. i know it will be hard, but do you want to be in the same place ten years from now? only you can answer that question.

  6. My ex was like that. Thats why he's my ex.

  7. you need a real man who will love you and put family first

  8. Honey i feel 4 u I can empathize with u as i had a gambler for 12 years.  You definitely need help, i wish i had the answer, yea u sure need a real man but r there any left?  Do u have a family member or can lean on or friend?  Hope i works out  

  9. sounds to me that he doesn't care only about  his friend and high. he needs to step up and get over that and be a father. try to take him to church and find him some good friends.

  10. leave him and go home to your mom and dad if you can or find a woman's shelter to go to.

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