
Omg! i have scraped knee ? ?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so i fell on the sidewalk and it made a big open scrape on my knee. i only have one week left until school, what is the fastest way of healing a open scrape ? what do i put on it ? i already used neosporin ointment. please help ! ?




  1. lol, i did the same thing last summer.... I was at my friend's house up the block who was shooting off fireworks, and I've seen some home fireworks gone bad in the past.  In my old neighborhood, this guy down the block used to shoot them every year, and 2x I remember the wetlands next to his house burning up and causing a brush fire.  

    SO anyways, I guess it's understandable that I'm a little freaked out that something could go wrong.  I mean it's fun still, but I get nervous, I guess...  So anyways, a really loud one that went higher than the others too went off, and a couple people were screaming (i think more excited screaming, that scared screaming) but i got scared and just started running so fast and i tripped 2x and it didn't help that i was wearing these clog type shoes, so anyways, i didn't even realize i scraped myself right away, it was kindda wierd.... I get up and obviously it's dark, so i couldnt tell if it was blood/dirt but it didn't really hurt.  But obviously i went straight home to clean up, and i got in the shower, and i was just dripping in the blood lol..... It looked kind of scary, but once i washed off all the caked on dirt and stuff, it was just scraped, no deep cuts or anything, but it was all up and down my legs, ugghhh!!!

    So I get out of the shower, and just laid in my bed in my underwear for awhile, so it fully air dried, and then i made my dad run out to some supermarket that was still open to buy those really big bandaids, and threw some ointment on it...    But you could imagine when I went to work the next day to pick up my paycheck wearing shorts (no way I was going to even attempt pants no matter how ugly it was, cuz I knew that would really hurt getting them on) but anyways, I had bandaids all up and down my legs, it was crazy....  And someone's like what the h**l happened to you, looked like ya got ran over and dragged for like a mile... I'm like i basically did, lmao....  And a couple people were telling me I should go to the doctor, and I'm like not for a scraped knee, wtf???  

    But yeah, eventually it healed up, and barely a scar, but for awhile i seriously had so much trouble walking up and down the stairs (even regular walking), or getting in and out of the car (esp. when your driveways already on a really steep hill)  cuz it hurt to bend the knee since it was right on it, and it kept stretching the skin...  My right one was much worse though....  

    Anyways, just sharing my story here.... You said a big open scrape, so your probly going to have the same problems I did, bending it and stuff... THe worst is when you think you could start moving it more, and I was sitting on my friends couch with both knees bent like all the way, and i said wow i could bend them and it doesnt hurt, and then when I tried to unbend it, that hurt like a b*tch, so yeah that was pretty funny....  

    But other than waiting it out and letting time heal there's not much that you can do...  Just make sure you keep it covered so it doesn't get infected or anything, until it starts to scab over... IMO neosporin is way overpriced and overrated....  I didn't use any neosporin or anything, and I barely have a scar.... WOrse comes to worse, you go to school with a scabbed kneee, life goes on....

  2. Neosporin usually clears up a scrape pretty quickly by itself. There really is nothing else you can do to speed up the healing process. Make sure  it is kept clean and dry.

    Healing takes that long for a reason. Just don't get the urge to scrape off the scab.

  3. Use Vaseline it will heal pretty fast.

  4. leave it alone ,

  5. Neosporine and it helps it not scar

    Vaseline and baby oil

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