
Omg i have senioritis........?

by  |  earlier

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school started this week and i'm procrastinating already!!

how do i stop myself from being so lazy??




  1. yeah that happens when you're not prepared to let go of the hold of your habits & its hard because more time you stick with a thing, the grip get tighter

    Don't worry, just try to enjoy whatever thing comes your way, don't feel it as a responsibilty, rather just make it a play ;)

  2. hmm my school starts at 15 sep so i'm lazy  

  3. haha thats soo like opinion : unless u're strong willed n stuff u're not gonna stop it...u just hav to find a balance so that u can be lazy sometimes but a hard worker when u need to....wats senioritis btw?

  4. ★~★~★~★~★~★~★~★~★~★~★~★~★~★~★

    LOLZ..SAME HERE:)) !!!!

    Holidays are over,and so school starts again.

    I enjoyed a vacation of late nights and lazy

    Mornings,gettin' up for the school is sooo

    difficult !!

    Gr8 2 see my classmates back....!!

      ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚˜Â… Do nothin' but train urself to commit more

    to studies.

    ★set up a plan for yourself and tell yourself that you won't sleep or eat or play games or whatever until you finish something.

    basically, you're setting up a schedule to follow.

    i usually take things one step at a time. I promise myself to finish one thing and then i slowly move on to other things. And, since i usually go to sleep around 11:30, i strive to finish by then.

    Good Luck !!


  5. i have the same probelm :(

    My geography coursework is due in a week and i havent done it :(!!

    I would suggest trying to get into a routine?

    And reward yourself with a treat if you get something done. (chocolate is awesome)XD

    Found it helps with revision and stuff.

    Good luck.

  6. i agree with da i havent been here at y!a for a while..lolz...but yea try to get a schedule together and make an effort to stick wit will take a while to get use to but it be a good habit over time...i got diagnosed with the same disease...its too bad they don't have an immunization shot or vaccine for that virus...cuz senioritis is killin me.. lolz

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