
Omg i just heard on the news that a first grader?

by  |  earlier

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was found at school with a gun... What is this world coming too? this truly sickens me




  1. i do not doubt it

  2. As long as we are a Society of "Gun toting Americans..." -Americans of EVERY AGE- are going to find ways to get their hands on them. This is SIMPLE Common Sense- not Rocket Science.  :(

  3. d**n! this world is corrupt.

  4. Sign of the times.

  5. Did he shoot someone? No? Whats the problem?

  6. Certainly it's disturbing, but not surprising.  Kids see movies and watch TV where someone grts shot and in the next scene is up and about without even a bandage.

    People made fun of Tipper Gore's attempts to "sanitize" what children watch.  It's a shame her efforts were thwarted.

    As for the 17 yr. old--he probably watches the same TV shows and plays even more violent video games.  None of it is real to them.  Maybe there should be an effort by some agency to take photos of victims into the classroom and show them--at least what the lasting scars look like.

    It'll never happen because some parents wouldn't want their child's sensibilities upset.  I guess it's better to risk being a victim than to be traumatized by a few seconds looking at photos.

  7. And you will continue to hear reports like this because we are fast becoming a nation of children raising children. I own a revolver. I also live in a State where I can strap my revolver on my hip and display it openly in public. But, if my grandchildren are visiting, my weapon is safely locked away with no ammunition in it.

    But, that's not the reaction you will hear from those who purport to represent the "conventional wisdom". They will assert the position that I have to give up ownership of my weapon because of incidents like the one you outlined in your question.

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