
Omg. i left my trainer's bridle in the arena last night. ?

by Guest33609  |  earlier

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what should i do , will he be madd??




  1. He's probably jsut remind you to be a bit more responsible next time.

    If it is damaged in any way he may be rather upset, but us Yahoo Answerers don't know your coach so we can't say for sure!

    You could go back to the arena to get your trainers bridle to make surenothing happens to it?

  2. The trainer will probably not be mad if you go get it, and clean it up if it has gotten dirty. Replace it if it has gotten damaged.

    If you can't get back out to the arena, call your trainer, explain where the bridle is so he can go get it. Offer to clean it up on your next trip out.  

  3. well if u cant go and get the bridle then u should buy him a new one and i dont think he would be mad  

  4. did you go back and find it?...what do you mean, you can't get back there to find it?  Of course you can, just gooooooooooooo.   This is almost unforgivable and you should be making more of an effort to find it...sorry, I don't sympathize with you..

  5. I would be freaking out!  Just apologize and ask if you can do anything for him, ask if he needs a new one and be willing to buy it.  He might not need a new one, but maybe if you just ask if he does, he will see that you were really concered about it an you are really and truly sorry and will let off (he should let you off any how, I would).  I can see that you are real upset about this, I'm sure everything will be fine, everyone makes mistakes (especially with their trainer's stuff...hum, I wonder what that's about...?).  Hope everything turns out okay!  =D

  6. I would be.

    Fortunately, I ALWAYS make sure my kids bring my tack back to me at the end of the day.

    However, one of my first crop of kids who is a trainer in her own right nowadays and has had to deal with this situation.  Her solution was to make the kids ride in cheap nylon tack.  That way it's easy to spot in bright colours and it's harder to kill off.

  7. That depends. Did it get destroyed or damaged in any way? If it did, he might be a twinge upset. Hopefully it didn't, but if it did, just explain to him what happened. If nothing happened, then just leave sleeping dogs lie.

  8. just apologize. If it rained last night...I'd be worried. If're okay.

  9. well i think it will be ok and if it is damaged to should offer to have it fixed. but if not just say you are sorry and explain what happened and i think he should understand i have left things out before to and my trainer just said be more careful with other peoples things.

  10. You should tell him what happend and offer to do a chore or clean the bridle for him. Just be ready to accept any consequence he may give you. Remeber its not the end of the world, you can't be perfect all the time

  11. Hopefully he will be understanding. Was it damaged in any way? If you just explain to him what happened and apologize, everything should be fine! Good luck

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