
Omg i want to quit my job but im not 100% sure?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 17 and just got my first job. I got a job as a dish washer in a restaurant and the first day there I worked for 7 hours, I couldn't wait for the day to end and I was extremely tired after work and the next day, I worked with some guy who works on the weekdays and I go back to work tomorrow and on sunday and he said that I am going to work by myself but I don't know for sure because he doesn't speak good english. I know how to do most of the dish washing and stuff but I don't know if i'll be able to keep up with everything by myself. When the dishes stack up I have to carry the dishes across the kitchen to where the dishes go for the waiters and at the end I have to take apart the dish washing machine and clean it then put it back together until 11:30pm and I don't know if I will remember anything, are they allowed to have me working by myself on the 3rd day? I was thinking of quitting 2 days ago but then im scared and I need money and since I haven't had a job I want to use this as a reference but I won't be able to if I quit so I think im stuck right? im gonnna cry :( IM TELLING MOM!




  1. You should be looking for a new job in the mean time.. I wouldn't quit until you found another job, when you find one.. then quit.

  2. If you hate the job then quit.  Don't even go back.  You will find another job pretty easily i'm sure.  Why don't you work as a bagger at a supermarket, or a transporter at a hospital.  They don't need experience, and they're pretty good jobs that aren't too hard.  Quit that dishwashing job!  Unless of course you like it and it pays good.

  3. Thats life kiddo. Its not getting better than that. Stick to it.

  4. it will get better thats just a crappy job lol quit!!!! and get something else....i had 20 jobs no joke  sometimes i would work half a day and hate it so much i would take my lunch and not go back lol some times id work for 1 week then quit but if u dont like it dont stay sure you could find another job soon  just be persistant dont have to use that as a reference....just dont use that on your app ...just on your next application.....say it be your 1st job lol .....and dont apply at places you dont think youd like to work at ......well good luck to you !!!

  5. You just need to stick with it man.  Everyones' first few days at work are rough and with it being your first job that can make it especially rough.  You are going to get quicker at the dish washing thing and if you fall behind I am sure they will send someone to help you.  Just do your best but if you quit you are guaranteed to fail.  Atleast give it a try, and if it doesnt work out then put in your notice.  That way they will give you a good reference if you quit.

  6. Where are you working Bob Evans? Cause let me tell you-that's what it sounds like.

    I wouldn't quit. It's a good experience and most of the time in restaraunts they will let you move your way up the line to server or cook etc. It's really easy once you get into the groove of things. Remember-it's a busy place so if dishes are stacked up that's good, don't go slow or anything but try at a pace that suits you.I've been there sweety and it blows at times. But it's not so bad in the end.

    However, and a big NO NO for them is that minors can't work past 11 on a school night. It's child labor laws. And they require you to have a break every 4 hours by state laws. Make sure they are treating you fairly.  

  7. welcome to the real world my friend

    tell paco i said que tal

  8. i'm suggesting that you quit your job, but before you do that make sure that you will find a job that best suits you before quiting... because if you quit immediately you will not earn and what if you find it hard to get a job immediately...what will you do???

    you can't do anything unless wait and wait and wait...

    ok..hope my answer helps you... can do it...

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