
Omg im so depressed..?

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i just came back from vacation where i was with all my family.. im so depressed. im not eating right, cant thing about anything else but me living their, and im crying 2 times a day and i wake up im the middle of the night and start crying.. idk wat to do im soo wanna go back.... im so depressed living here.. over their i had everything... but im only 15 and i cant just leave.. idk wat to do..




  1. go have a family discussion on this w/o any 1 else around but the family & tell them what U said here.

  2. Sorry to hear that. Depression is horrible, I know because I've been there too. It's a pity about your family but look at it another way. Try and say to yourself all the time that "I'm going to go there again" and you will, if you have your heart set on it you will, and by the looks of it you do. Talk to someone you know and tell them how you feel.

    I might seem a bit deep saying this, but go to someone who you know is sure to help (I don't mean a counsellor or anything) someone who can sort out the living situation. If your happier with your family then you belong there. Go there on weekends even, but don't be too upset about it, because your only 15 and anything could happen soon. Good Luck
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