
Omg! im so happy!!!! im getting this horse!!!!?

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okay, she just had he teeth floated, hooves trimmed, and vaccinated/dewormed. she is going to my uncles tomorrow.

so, my questions are:

1. does she look sway backed? (i know she needs to gain a little bit of weight)

2. what breed do you think she is? i think she is arabian

3. how tall do you think she is?

4. what color is she? cuz she looks like bay then chestnut. lol

thank you!

and does it look like she could be a jumper?




  1. Congrat's on your new horse.  1. She does have a high whither and that tends to make her look a little down in the back, but I wouldn't call it sway backed.  2. She looks as though she could be a mix of breeds.  3.  Hard to tell in the pictures, but she appears to be 14.3 or so, but you can measure her when she gets to your uncles. 4. She's a chestnut.

  2. 1. just a little sway backed, nice comfirmation once u get the weight on her

    2. arab cross i would say (arabian x quarter horse?)

    3. about 15.1?

    4. chocolate bay

    looks like she could possibly be a jumper- how old is she?

  3. A bay usually has black legs, mane, and I'd call her a chestnut.  I think she is an Arabian cross....either with thoroughbred or quarter horse.  The best way to find out if she can jump is to try her out and see!  She is not a swayback.  Congratulations...have fun with your new love.

  4. No she is not sway backed.  In the first picture she looks built downhill but in the others not so much so I think it was how she was standing.  Besides being built downhill is only a very minor flaw at best.  She does have a high whithers but that is not a flaw at all, but is expected in many breeds.

    She appears to be 14.1 to 14.2 hands high.  You can measure by using a level.  Put it on the highest part of her whithers and measure her on level ground from the ground straight up to a point level with the highest point of the whithers.  The whithers of a fifteen hand horse will come up to almost the chin of a 5 foot 9 inch man.  I know because I have measured enough.  15 hands is actually a fairly tall horse.  Yours is not.  Though her high whithers may add an inch to my estimation.

    She is a chestnut with a dark mane and tail which makes her look almost like a bay.  She is not a bay since her feet are chestnut (where not covered by white) while bays are black.  The tips of a bay's ears are also black.  She is not a liver chestnut she is a medium chestnut.  liver chestnuts are almost black since they have a sooty gene that gives them a look as if they had rolled in soot.  I owned a liver chestnut and handled quite a few others.

    Her breed.  It is hard to tell with the mask hiding her head.  So many breeds have distinguishing characteristics in the head.  At one time this was more true than today since at one time many breeds had distinctively shaped heads, but today everyone is breeding for the arabian type heads.

    My guess as to the breed is Quarab.  Which is a half quarter horse half arab.  She has the high whithers of the arab but more bulk than they generally have.  The head is the tell all of the arab breed though and that is covered.

    Her conformation looks good for your level of riding.  I think you will be happy with her.

  5. 1. Nay I don't think she is sway backed. Like you said she just needs to gain a SMIDGE of weight (though she isn't to terribley bad)

    2.I to think she is an Arabian. With the way she carries her tail, and her head shape...she may be Quarab (QH/Arab) because she has a farely big buttey hehe but a big butt doesn't neccessarily mean Quarter Horse :)

    3.I think she is anywhere between 14.2 - 15.2hh you really can't tell from a picture...though she isn't HUGE or TINY I don't think.

    4.She is Bay. he may possibley be Liver Chestnut...but I am 99.9% sure she is bay.

    Addorable horse, good luck with her :DDD She looks like she'll be a great horse.

  6. 1. a little, shes probally a rescued horse.

    2. arabian

    3. 15 hh?? maybe less

    4. bay.

    5. it would be very hard to train her to be a jumper becuase arabians are rarely jumpers and she looks like shes probally just a companion horse, not a horse for riding.

    Did you buy her? im not sure what is going on becuase if you did, you should know all those questions. horses are not just pets.

  7. deff arab cross something.

    maybe quarterhorse.

    dunno about anyothers.

    lol, very gawjuss tho, and your very lucky.


  8. no, she doesnt look sway back to me...she looks like she has been bred one too many times. She will look better with a little more weight.

    She appears to be a quarab (qh/arabian x) and about 14.1hh-14.2hh, and she is BAY in color. Any horse can be a jumper with the right training. And to my knowledge, Arabians make decent jumpers, but jumpers are usually long and lean...

  9. 1. She looks sway backed as well as downhill, just a conformation fault. No worries though, i dont think it should bother her.

    2. Looks like a morgan or quarter horse to me.

    3. 15.1-15.2?

    4. Not really a bay, not really a chestnut. She just looks brown to me.

    5. Depends on what she can do under saddle, but by the way she looks i think its possible.

    She doesn't really look under weight though. Maybe its just me.

  10. Her back is not swayed (she is a little thin) I think she is an Arab CROSS about 14hh looks like and she is definatly CHESTNUT!!!!! (with a dark mane and tail)

    I cant really tell if she could be a jumper by a pic. To be a jumper she needs to be AGILE, FAST, AND BE ABLE TO JUMP (HIGH PREFERABLY) you can telli fshe is these things only be riding her really.

    P.S. She is very cute!

  11. congratulation on your new baby

    her back looks fine and she looks

    like a Arab-Morgan cross my friend

    has one and she looks just like yours

    they are great horses to have and ride

    if you take the time to train her she should

    be able to jump just start slow and work up

    my draft pony jumps and he's built alike like

    your girl so you can train yours too. as for

    the color who cares she beautiful

    good luck  and enjoy your new friend

  12. I don't think she is sway backed.  You don't mention her age, but she doesn't look sway maybe a tiny bit low.  She is a dark chestnut. She is not Arabian as she is not fine enough.  I would think more thoroughbred.  Looks close to 16 hands.  Wouldn't know if she could jump until you tried.  How did you get her without knowing anything about her?

  13. he doesn't look sway backed he looks normal he looks like an Arabian if you trained him well enough he could be a jumper he looks brown because there are bay horses chestnut brown black and he looks like a brown horse and he may be about 15-16 hands (a hand is 2 inches)

  14. u can't tell if a horse is able to jump by looking at them

    it's like me putting a person you dont know infront of you and saying what job do they do are they a laywer a vet or do they work at macy's ?

    stupid question tbh

  15. 1. a little but not much

    2. I think she has at least some morgan in her. Maybe a little Arabian. Quarter horse is possible too.

    3.I think she is around 15.1 hands to 16.2 hands.

    4. She might be a liver chestnut. Here are some examples of color.

    She looks strong muscled and I think she would be a nice Jumper.

    Hope I helped!

    ~With Love

  16. 1. ya its kind of got a weird shape to her back but once she fills out it should be better.

    2. im gonna say probably not arabian, it doesnt look like she has the right face shape or body structure.

    3. 15, 15.1

    4. i would say along the lines of dark bay.

    i think she could do a little jumping but i dont see anything over 3ft

  17. Quarter or Morgan or a little of each. She definitely looks to be 14 1/2 hands tall (just barely a horse from a pony) She may be older...but I think that she looks young and will probably get a little taller. She doesn't look like a bay at all.

  18. Congratulations on getting her. She's pretty, and when you get her in shape I think she'll be gorgeous.

    1. No, she's not swaybacked. She has high withers, and is built a bit downhill but otherwise has a fairly nice conformation.

    2.  She looks like a quarter horse, or a quarter horse cross. She doesn't really have the front end of a full blooded quarter horse...

    3. Its nearly impossible to tell how tall a horse is from a photo unless you know how tall the things in the background are.

    4. She's a dark chestnut (liver chestnut). You can tell because all bays have black points (points are lower legs, muzzle, mane/tail and tips of ears), and she doesn't have black on her lower legs.

    5. She looks like her back is a bit short to be a jumper, but you never know until you try!

  19. 1. She has a little sway back, but its only a little

    2. Its hard to tell what breed she is when she has her flymask on, but i think she is either a QH or Arabian.

    3. She looks about 15.3 hands high

    4. She looks bay in your pics.

    5. Any horse can be a jumper.

  20. arabian cross with maybe a quarter horse or morgan

    she is a liver chesnut or a chocolate brown. She is between 15 and 15.2 hands tall. Her back is not sway and if you got her back into shape she could probably jump with some training

  21. Well let me just say she is a beautiful horse.

    1) No, her back is nice and straight. Wonderful build to her.

    2) Yeah, she looks like she could be Arabian or Arabian/Cross.

    3) I'm not so sure about the height, she looks pretty short; Maybe in the 14hh range.

    4) She looks like a dark bay I'd say. (;

    5) Yeah, she could be a jumper alright. Like I said before she has a nice build to her.

    Your a lucky girl to get this one!


  22. have you ever even met this horse before? how old is she? you should kno more abou the horse before you buy it.... maybe a jumper you should ask the owner if shes had any jumping experiance before you go and try to jump her, its hard to tell, arabs have that look that their face kinda curves but i cant tell cuz of the fly mask...have you ever ridden her?

  23. She is definitely Bay. She's brown with a black mane and tail which equals a bay horse. She looks like she might be an Arabian/QH cross. I can't see her face, so it's kinda hard to tell. She has the booty of a QH though. As far as jumping goes, it depends on how much training she's had in the past. I would consult a trainer before attempting something like that. You could try some cavelleti and see how it goes with her. She does need some weight and muscle put on her though. She's certainly a pretty girl though. Good Luck!

  24. she's a bay. chestnuts cant have black manes

    in a picture or two she does. but on most.. she doesnt look swayed back

    tall.. hmm maybe 14.3

    she could jump if you train her too

    breed.. hard to tell with flymask if she's arabian

  25. 1. Not swayback.

    2. Quarter or Morgan

    3. 14-16 Hands.  56-64 Inches Tall

    4. Bat or Chestnut Coat Color

    5. With Training, Yes I Do Think She could be a Jumper.


  26. No, she doesn't look sway backed.  She looks like she is built down hill.  A swayback horse has a curved back, but your horse goes down at an angle from the croup.

    Swayback horse:

    Horse built downhill:

    She might be a quarter horse/ morgan, a quarter horse/arab, or a morgan/arab.  I would say any one of those three.

    She might be around 14.2 to 15 hands.

    She looks like she is a liver chestnut.

    Liver chestnut:

    She looks like she could do very well in both western and english, but it can be hard to tell because we have not seen her jump.

    Also, she actually looks in pretty good weight, I think she just needs to get in a little better shape.  She could use more muscle, and her top line could be filled out a little more, but that will come with time.  I would say you have a well built horse, and she looks very hardy.  Good Luck!

  27. 1. does she look sway backed?no not really but she looks a little lopsided like her hind quarters are taller than her front

    2. what breed do you think she is?she kinda looks arab. it would be easier to tell without the flymask

    3. how tall do you think she is? i cant really tell but she doesnt look to tall (14-15hh)

    4. what color is she? she seems bay

    if she is registered the papers will answer quenstions 2 and 4

  28. Why don't you just ask the previous owners? They will know more about the horse and have all its details...we won't. It's not bay, it looks a tiny bit arabian, but not full arabian, about 14hh, and she could be a jumper, any horse can be if they are taught properly.

  29. Her high croup might make her look a little sway backed or just putting some weight on her will help.  Looks like she also has high withers - maybe good for speed events.  If her mane and tail are black or dark brown (which looks like it in the picture), then she is a bay.  There are different colors of bay though, from light to dark cherry bay.  Great website on conformation:

  30. why in the world are you getting a horse that you know nothing about????!!!!????

    1. no she does't, do you want her to be overweight?

    2.She is NOT arabian, maybe quarter or morgan.

    3.I have no clue it is very hard to tell when you only see pictures

    4. well i have a bay and she is about that color and then we have a chestnut and she is more a copper compared to her. So maybe bay or dark chestnut.

    ---now answer mine;...

  31. 1.Just a little. But it shouldn't bother her.

    2.Too stocky to be pure arab. I'm thinking Arab x Morgan or Arab x Quarter horse. Maybe even Thouroghbred x Quarter horse. She looks like my Western Pleasure horse.

    3. 14.6 h or 15.2 h.

    4.Bayish brown

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