
Omg is Randy's motercycle wreck real or fake?

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a person here said they saw orton at raw monday

then part of me thinks why would says hes hurt when everbody knows hes coming back




  1. I was thinking it might just be fake so that he has more time to be with his newborn daughter because she was just born not that long ago. And, I just find it kind of weird that he ONLY broke his collarbone. If he was thrown 300 feet, then he probably would have a broken something else.

    But, then again, I thought maybe it was real because he quoted c**p about it and everything. And people said it was in the newspaper down in that area.

    Who knows for sure though. It's the WWE. You never know what's true and what's not. haha.

  2. yep its real!

    i live in st.louis, it was in the newspapers and everything!

  3. Yes its real. Luckily he only reinjured his collarbone & was wearing a helmet.  

  4. real.

    it's on randy orton's official website.

  5. yes, 3 more months of injuries.

  6. it is most likly a story line!!!!


  7. man thats fake

    just a excuse to be with his fam. for more time

    cuz his baby was born not that long ago

  8. Its the WWE, who knows?  I'm gonna guess its real, but you never know.

  9. he will be gone for 3 more month most likely becaus enot too long ago his wife had a baby

  10. i have heard both we just have to wait

  11. -I live in St. Louis, since the story broke yesterday, it would've been in today's newspaper, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

    -I looked in Metro & Sports section, nothing.

    -I'll look into tomorrows, b/c if not, I'm not buying story of injury b/c it would've been in paper by today or tomorrow.

    -I live about 15-20 minutes from Orton, Orton lives about 35-40 miles from the actual city of St. Louis.

  12. It us real it is on and it was even mentioned on raw last night. He rebroke his collar bone, h**l be out three months. he was really lucky though. he was thrown 300 feet from his motorcycle. if he wasnt wearing his helmet he probably would be dead. Jerry Lawler said he was lucky to be alive. It is not any sort of angle, it is very true.

  13. year i read on that he wrecked hid bike by his house and broke his color bone again but i think it's fake cause his wife just had a baby so he may just be staying home to be there for his wife and daughter

  14. I hope he is hurt to the point of no return.  But you know that everyone needs to feel useful in the world.......make-a the world go round....

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