
Omg!!! is my bird sick!!!???

by  |  earlier

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ok, so i got my cockateil charlie about 4 montyhes ago. and he's like 7 years old. so just the other day i noticed his feather's were all fluffed up and he was shaking, and his behind (u know what i mean) was all dirty (with u-know-what) and he had that u-know-what on his beak from trying to cover it up and he has diarea. is my bird sick? if so what does he have and how can i treat him? oh and no vet stuff right now, i'm broke!! : ( please help me!!!!




  1. yea youre bird is sick but im not a bird expert sorry

  2. its okay that he shakes because that means that his is growing his feathers. and its okay to that he gets fluffed up that either means that he is trying to go to bed or he is bored. but if he shakes like alot like he is scared then just put him  in a blanket and wait untel you get money.

  3. i have 2 cocktiels and i have seen mine fluff up too but that just means they are sleeping or tired. and my bird had diarea and thats normal cuz now my birds poo is normally dry.i used to have 2 budgies (a kind of bird) and it had the same problem like your bird p**p was stuck to its you no what and then.................she died. but that was because she was a small bird. soooo dont worry ok hoped i helped!!!!

  4. vet!!

  5. when birds feathers are fluffed up he usually has a cold.

  6. Clean his beak, and butt. Make sure no more p**p is on him. When a bird has diarea, they are more likely to die. Keep him warm, with a blanket, until you make some cash, and take him to the vet. There's not much you can do when birds are sick. Their really small and hard to treat. Make sure he is eating healthy food. Fiesta is the best food for any kind of bird and you can buy that at a pet store. Make sure he's also drinking water but not too much. Hope he gets better.

  7. Put him in a cage in a very warm room. Give him clean water daily, give him oranges to get some vitamin C. I have had birds for 25 years now and I am pretty much an expert at most questions, but this bird sounds like it's doing very badly. You can take him to a clinic, that takes in animals and they might be able to help him. He does need help desperately! The Humane Society or your local Bird club might be able to help you. Please call them. I am worried about the Bird. Some Vets will give free health care, if they think the bird is really sick and you tell them, you can't afford to pay them. They might let you make low monthly payments. Again PLEASE TAKE HIM TO ONE OF THE ABOVE, SO HE CAN GET SOME HELP! It sounds like Coccidia to me.  

  8. don't get a pet if you can't afford to treat him when he is sick. iof you dont take him to the vet he will die - and that is considered animal cruelty b/c it is obvious the animal is sick and you sought no medical treatment. please surrender the bird to a shelter or a vet so he can keep living.

  9. You need to get him under an infraredred light.

    If you dont have one keep him warm and get him in the sun,

    Clean up all the f***s, in the cage, on him, all of it.

    Make sure he has clean water in front of him all the time.

    Make sure he eats, tempt him with favorite foods. If you need more help you can contact me.

  10. Your bird sounds very sick. Get him to vet or at least call one and tell them your situation. Did he get into anything? What did you feed him? Anything toxic to birds used in area? Until you can get him to vet keep him warm put heating pad under 1/2 of his cage. Might want to lower perches for him. Keep cage covered half way. Keep lights dim. Keep him quite. Do not handle much but let him know you are there. There are many things this could be. Could be a avian disease or something he has gotten into. but diarrhea is dangerous to birds. Sounds like he will need antibiotics for a start. Please get him somewhere asap. Some vets take payments and you can apply for carecredit at almost any vet and be approved that day. Good luck and help this little critter.  

  11. no vet then that means u want him to die

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