
Omg is the world really going to end?

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on december 21 2012

i dont want it to

ill only be 21 1/2

how do u think it will

honestly i think it might wiht all these bombs and wars n stufff

seriouslyy why cant people just be likee peace&&lovee




  1. Yes the world will end in 2012. We are all going to die.

  2. Well there are some who think there will be an amragedden and those who are righteous will be taken into heaven and the rest left behind. I don't favour that idea.

    Then there are others who think on Dec. 21 2012 there will be a sun solar event whiping out the world as we know it.

    I'm more optimistic and even though the Mayan calendar has said the world will end as we know  it, I think it's more likely that the earth will undergo a shift, not just in the poles but in consciousness and positivity. Because presently the world is heading to too much negativity,  power struggles and evil influence.

    So I wouldn't worry, I think you'll be here still after Dec. 2012.

    There are those though who think the Mayans might be a year out and it's 2011, we'll have to see what happens then won't we.

  3. I have no idea where this idea came from, I read a book in the early eighties by a guy who studied the mayan calender and he never said end of the world. What he thought it meant was that the text ended at about the same time that the area was hit by a plague and he put down the lack of any further writing down to depression after that plague. That around the time after that plague the area lost many of the craftsmen and so less works were done for close on a hundred years and by that time the religion had changed slightly that explained the fact of the calender ending to me. I sure did not put it down to been the end of the world and no one who really studies such things as the culture of the time and what happened at the time could really say for certainty that it is the end of the world.

  4. There's no telling when the world will end,so don't  worry about it. Mankind is incapable of living in 'peace & love' for any extended period of time.

  5. Yes when the sun burns out in several million years.

  6. Only if you are Mayan. The rest of us will be fine. The Jehovah Witnesses claimed the end would be 1975. I'm sticking with that one.

  7. They Mayan Calendar simply does NOT go beyond December 21, 2012---and there may be mathematical reasons for it, but I doubt the world ending epically is one of them.

    Also worth noting:  the Mayan Calendar HAS a few inaccuracies in it; those simply don't gain media notice--not many, but they're there, nonetheless.  

    I'm not discrediting the Mayan people.  I'm intrigued how a culture that on the surface, given their time of existence--should have been a primitive people---accomplished surprising technological and mathematical feats thousands of years advanced for that time period.  Evidently, they had OUTSIDE help......but from whom????

    If I had to guess:  I'd say that on December 21, 2012---we'll witness an epic historic event that will impact Earth......and if there's ANY merit to what we theorize about the Mayans.......maybe we'll meet that OUTSIDE help. And maybe THEY will help us; given they're still advanced than us---pray they DO help us.

    It's either that......or December 21, 2012 will simply be another day.

  8. The world will not end soon, but if we do not take care of it and ourselves, including all nations, we will kill it off slowly.

  9. No what would happen on that day to make it end?

    It's just as likely to end tomorrow as it is Dec 21 2012

  10. you have a 1/2 year to get drunk,enjoy it !

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