
Omg it happend again!!!

by  |  earlier

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I seriously just wanna die. ok like u all probably know i have been w. my boyfriend for a little over a year.. we live together.. i have had a cold for the past 3-4 days, i still have a little cough. but other than that i feel fine. i smoke cigs. and even when im sick i still smoke a good amount. anyways we were laying down watchin a movie. i kept coughing and i moved around a little. i sometimes do that. or move around more if im not comfortable. he got mad and was like stop coughing. stop moving i wanna take a nap. granted he ******* woke up at 12 and it was 2 and i wake up everyday at 5am. i got up to use the bathroom and layed down. then i got up cause i wanted a smoke. i then said im gonna smoke outside. i stepped out for a little. then decided i wanted to come back into the room and sit on the chair to have smoke. i did not say a word cause i know he was taking a nap and he acts like an *** if i dare talk when he does not want me too. he then says.. i see ur smoking. then gets mad cause i start talking! wtf!!! it leads on to a big arguement over nothing. and he gets mad cause i kept repeating myself. i only did cause it did not seem he was listening. and he says i was not!! he has issues. he was like i had a headache. i did not want to have smoke around and plus i was called stupid and an idiot cause i was smoking when i have a cough. big deal. just cause i smoke more when i do and he does not.. does not make me stupid!! he therefore went on to ignore me.. oh he says he did not need to tell me he had a headache.. well **** if i knew that i would have stayed outside til the cig was done!!!! i know he likes it for me to be quiet when he is mad. but i know for a million percent fact i did nothing wrong/. and i was tryin to say sorry.. just to end it and told him how it hurt me and ****. then went on to just talk about other stuff. im sick of this. what can i do to make him listen. its immature for him to ignore me. and he says im stupid and immature for saying im not stupid when he calls me names. he says i should just not say anything. that is the smart thing to do. man. god forbid i ever get sick again.. or move around. i should just be a statue and be perfectly still at all times.. please help me.




  1. He sounds like a jerk. It also sounds like he likes to control you, which isn't fair. I would break up with him. Or if you really like him, try couples counseling, so you'll know what the problem is (even though it sounds like he's the problem, you'll know why he's acting like that).

  2. sounds like to me,u to need to take a break from each other,,,PEACE

  3. See a marriage couselor or a Pastor or Priest and take their advice, which you may not like since you are not married,

    Bye the way, it REALLY annoys men when the woman keeps repeatinh herself. Seems like most women do that, they say the same thing over and over again as If to convine the man that they are right.

    If not an argument, women still have to say the same thing 3 times. I just do not understand women.


  4. wow

    not to be rude or any thing

    but you both need help

    i don't think y'all should even be together

    if y'all are going to hurt each other

  5. you need to think to yourself am i kidding for still being with this guy ? he is an *** hole. break up with him. no one should ever tell you what to do . and if you want to move around and cough when he is trying to sleep you should go into the other room and lay down.

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