
Omg my cat ate a bird! is she going to die?

by  |  earlier

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so I accidentally let me indoor cat outside and after I went looking for her, I found her at the side of the house eating a live bird! is was really disguisting, I walked outside and saw her chewing on something, as I walked closer I could see the blood and bones of the bird...eww is she going to get sick now? what do I do???!




  1. She might.

    Has she gotten all her shots?

  2. My cats would be dead ten times over.  They have eaten birds, mice, bugs....cats are not just wet-food, dry-bag food eating mammals.  Just make sure you keep up with thier shots, and please, if you cat isn't microchipped - get it done!  If she gets out again, you may not be as lucky to find her as quickly.  It's less than $50 for the chip plus vet office visit.  I only paid $60 each for everything for my four cats.

  3. She might puke up some feathers or bones later. It's natural. It's suppose to happen if you see her doing it.

  4. No, cats do that. It's normal and she'll be fine. They also eat other furry animals too.

  5. birds natrullay eat birds (and fish) so unless it was a diessed bird shell b ok =). id bring her to the vet mabey if she starts acting wierd over the next few days

  6. my cats eat birds, mice, grass hoppers, dragon fly. so she should be perfectly fine!

  7. Nothing. Perfectly normal. It's what they do.I have 4 cats and they are always catching something outside.normal food for them.

  8. its the cats natural instinct to eat the bird and it will be ok....if it starts acting weird though take it to the vet and put a bell on your cat to stop eating others birds!!

  9. cats eat birds a lot is should be fine

  10. NO

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