
Omg my mum keeps asking questions?

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well i sorta told my mum i am g*y last night now she wont shut up.. like how wud u know and have you ever had s*x ois there anything thatg can make her shut up




  1. Don't worry; she's gotta get accustomed to it. You've known for some time (inside yourself) but it's a big shock to her. Just try to be helpful w.o getting hacked off. At least she hasn't thrown you out.

    Also at some level, when offspring announce their sexuality like this, there is a moment of - the thought that as a parent, you have failed your child. It's a silly thought, but almost all parents think this when told the news. I suggest you contact PFLAG in your area. They are great at supporting BOTH of you.

  2. Are you unable to say,"I really don't want to talk more about it right now."

    You can indicate that she's being too personal, also, and that you will discuss it more with her in future.

  3. A gag?

  4. When she asks "How do you know you're g*y?" Respond with "The same way you knew you were straight when you got your first crush."

  5. First, what did you base the statement on that you

    told your mon. Have you had s*x with another male

    or are you just having feelings or have a curiosity

    about a same s*x experience.

    If you are just curious, then don't worry about it.

    It's completely normal for young men & woman to

    have a curiosity about same s*x relations. It does

    not necessarily mean your g*y. Most if not all young

    people go through a phase when they think how it might

    feel to have s*x with someone of the same s*x.

    If this is how you feel it might help if you explain to your

    mom that you have not had a same s*x experience but

    are just curious about it. On the other hand if you have

    had a same s*x experience and have told your mom

    about it, it will most likely take time for her to understand

    and except it.

    Judging by your question I'm going to assume that you're

    a young guy who is just curious about a same s*x

    encounter. I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you

    that whether you decide to try it or not just take your time,

    be very careful and if you decide to have s*x please

    protect yourself by using condoms.

    I hope this helps.

    Take care.  

  6. LOL, what do you mean you "sorta" told her.  You may "sorta" like the color blue, but either you told her you're g*y or you didn't.  You must realize that she's going to have questions.  Be patient and answer as many of her questions as you can, and be truthful.  You've given her a shock, but she will adjust to this with time.

  7. Tell her you have aids. That'll shut her up.

  8. if she circumcised you, you can turn the discussion about that, put her on the defensive and keep asking her for why she did that

  9. I bet you're not going to be able so shut her up. There are some questions that you don't have to answer but you should still be nice to her. She had plans for your life and she just found out that none of those plans is going to come true. I hope she learns that the life you're going to have is just as good as the one she had planned, even though its different. It's going to take a while for her to deal though. Good luck. I think you're both going to be fine.  

  10. I know that it can be really, really, really annoying but what if U actually did have a talk with her, then she'd stop buggin' U.

    So sit, talk, get it off both U're chest & then she'll stop annoying U.

    I know it souds stupied, but sometimes stupied works.

    Good luck.

  11. This is all new to her and she is curious, but she shouldn't be asking you about private things. I would let her know that you love her and that you will talk later. Give her a website or two to do some research so she gets  some questions answered. Then when you are ready, sit down and let her ask and you answer. Good luck

  12. just tell her to shut up, you don't feel cofterbul about talking about it with her, you are who you are, and she CANT change that  

  13. I know you're annoyed..but it is a good thing that she is asking questions

    Some kids are essentially disowned after coming out

    So reciprocate the communication and answer her questions..she is genuinely interested and concerned because she loves you

  14. just ask her to teach you how to suck c**k, she'll be happy to help you with that

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