

by  |  earlier

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we order a pizza from toppers and inside the pizza there was like an 8inch piece pf plastic and my brother was chocking on it....whaaaaat should he dooooo omg




  1. You should immediately seek defaggifying counselling so you don't type questions like a 12 year old girl.  omg.  omg. om...pffft

  2. Heimlich maneuver and call for ure money back

  3. Save the plastic and the pizza and go to a lawyer especially if its a chain pizza place.

  4. Next time think about your question. Try a one inch piece of plastic, not 8.

  5. Call the place and get your dang money back!

  6. Sue everybody! Jackpot, cha ching! (throw me a piece of the action for the idea!)

  7. lawyer up duh!

  8. Heimlich maneuver.  Quick, stand behind him, make a fist and put it in your other hand.  Now push in his stomach to force the food out.  Quick, hurry!

  9. See a lawyer! A friend of mine just got 10,000..She ordered a pizza and crushed one of her teeth on a small piece of glass that was in the sausage...She had to get a ton of dental work ( which they reinmbursted her for)..then about a year later she got the settlement. Sorry about your bro! If your not into sueing (I totally understand) you should at least call the company and let them know, talk to a manager!

  10. get help, where is toppers?

  11. hire a lawyer... you can get some $$$$


  13. call, get your $ back and ask for a comp pizza for next time. the plastic was probably what they portioned the toppings in and it got tossed in...

  14. I some cultures plastic discs are considered delicacies!

  15. who was suppose to be supervising your brother? anybody over the age of 4 would know not to eat an 8 inch piece of plastic. How did it get inside the pizza? i don't believe this is real. if it was, im sure you called 911, if you didnt then it may be natural selection kind of death, since he was related to you.
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