
Omg please help :(((((?

by  |  earlier

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so for starters...

i have a group of girls that i hang out with everyday,

we all recently started hanging out with 3 new guys down the street,

there all really nice and fun to be with,

but were JUST FRIENDS !!!!!

marissa, (a girl i hang out with)

likes to tease me and say that im in love with one of the guys named Nick,

she took it wayy too far tonite,

and told my older brother and all his friends,

she told them that we loved eachother...

now all they do is tease me and him too!!!!!!!!!

im starting to hate marissa for causing this!

she did/said everything possible to cause me to hate her!!

nick is a good guy, but like i said, were JUST FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!

and she knows that too!!!!!!!!

im starting to wonder if she is liking them,

and if she wants to impress them by hurting me,


oh yeah, abd she is thinking of braking up for her bf,

right after we sarted hanging out with them !

im miserable !!!!!

i cant think about anyone else....

help please!!!!!!!! );




  1. I think you should tell Marissa how you feel about her spreading rumors. It's not good bottling things up and if you say that she is a friend, you should confront her about it. She might not know that she is hurting your feelings.

    It sounds to me like Marissa may like one of these boys.

    Best wishes with your problems.

  2. That was just wrong. Real friends don't do childish things like that. She's maybe one of these people that are very insecure and likes to get all the attetion and maybe by doing that (hurting your feelings) was the best thing to do in order for her to "fit in". Just let her go, you don't need friends like that in your life because if she did this once, she will do it again. in life you will meet new people and you will find those that are true friends. because a true friend will never let you down and make you cry, friendship is about being there for eachother and make you smile when your down. YOu don't need them!!  

  3. Talk to your friend and tell her that you don't appreciate her behavior. She seems to be taking a little joke too far and making a dramatic scene out of nothing, so let her know that its time to drop the joke and let it go. This girl might have a little crush but that shouldn't be your problem and she shouldn't take her frustrations out on you. Ask her if she's got a thing for this guy- if she does, maybe you could put in a good word for her. You shouldn't let it bother you so much though- this guy probably understands that the two of you are just friends if you treat him like a friend, and if he needs some clarification, explain to him that you like him as a friend. It doesn't get much clearer than that. And once everyone sees that you let it roll off your back like its nothing, the teasing will eventually fade away- there's no fun in teasing someone who doesn't react, so don't give them a reason to poke more fun. But talk to your girl friend and let her know you're not impressed by her joking and that you don't want to feel uncomfortable around this group of kids because she's bullying you. Friends don't do that to one another. Good luck!

  4. she likes you!!!!

    or in a very unlikely chance, she might hate you...

  5. i think she fancies this nick talk to her about it  

  6. This happens in many different ways to MANY different people!

    She is obviously embarrassed that she fancies one of them and doesn't want to be the only one. Some people just can't handle it.

    I know this must be a really hard time for you, especially when your friend goes and tells these lies to your family!!

    Just ask her casualy, " Hey do you like one of those guys?? because I think your trying to get me to like one of them so you are not the only one?"  also tell her that she can trust you, that you guys are close friends and hopefully she will understand that what she is doing is STUPID!!

    good luck

  7. Tell this all to Marissa.

    If she can't be a good friend, let her no you won't be friends at all.

  8. wow total wh000reee much.

    just ignore her, and talk shxt about her.

    after all if she gets nick by hurting you, she'd be satisfied, and she wont learn a lesson.

    make her miserable.

  9. I'd find some way to humiliate her back in return! Tell this guy your friend is being an *** and that your not liking him in that way and no offense but your friend just said all this because you think she is the one that wants him and she is just too scared to admit it so thats what she did. Tell him she seems so outgoing but when it comes to her really liking guys, she does outlandish things sometimes to draw attention! If she is going to be that way, she deserves a little humiliation in return!

  10. Tell her that she is being way too immature, that she knows what she said wasn't true, and to get over it. She probably is just jealous and wants to make you look bad. If you explain things to her (especially the immature thing, that really seems to get ppl) and then just ignore her about it, she'll probably drop it cause she's not getting a reaction out of you anymore.

  11. say Marissa that you are in love with a female celebrity and talk only about her all the time.Or just say her that you hate Nick. And say Nick everything about this.

  12. Girl It sounds like this girl is playing the use a friend to get the guy act!! Sounds like you need to straighten this all out one on one first with her! Tell her how you feel about her accusations and then ask her if she has feelings for one of new guys. It sounds like she is being a drama queen just for extra attention. After you take care of her go to the guy and just let him know that you are not in love with him and make sure things are cool between you and him. I went through a similar situation a few years back. I hope it all works out for ya. good luck:)  

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