
Omg please kill me i think im starting to like the jonas brothers?!?

by  |  earlier

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i had a dream last night and they were in it..i wasnt falling all over them or anything...i actually went up to them and started laughing at them telling them how much they suck lol =)

anyhoo it was the third time i dreamt of one nick told me about how they hate the kind of music they play and the fans they have but they have to make a living somehow.?

anyway earlier on today i was reading a tv guide and there was a huge story about them and posters and i was like...theyre kinda cute lol

i got really pissed off about how theyre always all over y!a so i downloaded some of theyre music and theyre actually kinda good (wont admit it to any of my friends though =O lol)

they arent great but they are ok





  1. There's drowning, hanging, shooting... But in this case I know exactly how we do this.

    Death by Jonas Brothers. We put you in a straight jacket and play all their songs over and over again. 99.9% of people tested end up eating their own faces. The other 0.1% enjoyed the music, and were let go. They were killed within 10 seconds of exiting the test area.

  2. Noooo dont you must do something else listen to better music buy a poster of them and put 9mm rounds in to it XD.

  3. whats bad about liking them only suckish people who are jealous dont like them (no offense)

  4. oh jeeeez! ok so my suggestion is to turn off anything DISNEY related.. or just keep it out of sight.. and listen to some good music, watch a good movie.. and it`ll fade away... dont worry its not permanent!!!  

  5. eh, well.

    you shouldn't go kill yourself over it. as long as you're not obsessivly screaming 'LYK ZOMG TEH JONAS BROS ARE SOOOO HAWT AND THEYR SOOO MCH BTTR THAN TEH BEATELS!!!!!!' and dreaming of marriage to one of them, you're ok, in my opinion.


  6. OMG that started happening to me 2!!! I suggest you think of reasons why you hated them in the first place, remind yourself, that it was a dream, and Orlando Bloom

    (or anyone who doesn't have curly hair, wears tight pants, or is like in a band with his younger brothers of which one is is 18 which can only vote and the other one is like 15 and the only thing he can do is sound like a girl with one lung when he sings)  

    is so much hotter.

    And if that doesn't work, at least you're not one of those OMFG!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S NICK, KEVIN, AND JOE JONAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! I WOULD KILL MY BEST FRIEND TO GO TO ONE OF YOUR CONCERTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. if you think about them that much and dream about them then you definatley like them.

    i feel sorry for you.

  8. yay!!!  you understand how jobros fans feel...isnt it awesum???

    yup, they are cute and there music rockz!!!

  9. :O:O:O




    i think dere fit n thats it  

  10. im not obsessed over them but nick is so cute :')

  11. I, Personally, Don't like them...but what is your question?

  12. eww. it's happening to me too. i got that stupid song stuck in my head.

  13. Remember, no one cares if you like them. But we hate people who post questions about them like you. This isn't even a question, you're telling us a story. Like the Jonas Brothers secretly and no one will care. A lot of people do it I bet.

    When will people learn no one wants to answer questions about the Jonas Brothers. 1# Because we don't care. #2 These questions are soooooo rrepetitive 3# This isn't even a question you are going to get a serious answer from its like a poll.

  14. go listen to some good bands and you will feel better.

    you just need to realize how much they suck compared to real talent.

  15. hahah yeah nick is so cute, why aren't there guys like that in Nh? Seriously! Yeah i had two dreams about the jonas brothers it freaked me out but their music is good like the lyrics are good if you listen to them and i don't like the jonas brohters all together i think Nick Jonas just has all the talent.

  16. Wow What is so wrong about them is it because there nice because they look good because they sound amazing...  Nothing is bad about that.  I love them so much. And so do thousands of other girls and maybe even some guys.  I'm 13 I watch disney channel love the jonas brothers and I don't care who I tell usually when boys at school here i like them always say THERE g*y which isn't true.... at least I hope not.  But who care who you like its you opinion.

  17. If you want to like them, that's your business and you have every right to.  If you don't, I recommend a few hours of listening to something like Black Sabbath, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, or KISS to help you get over it.

    If you do decide to like them, just please don't drone on about it here forever or become a mindless zombie cultist like some of the fans.

  18. hey, if you like them, you like them. i mean, be unique compared to your friends, if that's what it means. just listen to the music if you like it.

  19. What's so bad about loving the Jonas Brothers?It's a very awesome feeling. :) Hehe.

  20. Dont worry. Soon you'll get OJD!! And thats not CUREABLE, which is good.

    Dont be ashamed to like the JB. Im not, and you shouldnt either. Remember dont blend, stand out.

    OJD= Obessive Jonas Disorder.  

  21. I feel bad for you.  I cannot stand the Jonas Brothers.  You know you're not a good band when the only way to get famous is to be on disney channel.  Just say the word and your death will be quick and painless lol.  We cannot have anymore Jonas Brothers fans in the world.  

  22. there's absolutely nothing wrong with loving the jonas brothers.if you like them then you like them,if you don't then you do. they're all cute so it's ok to like them

  23. I know how you feel!  I thought I hated Hannah Montana for a long time but then I heard 7 things and I felt really guilty because I was thinking "Oh god, I can't say I hate this 'cause it's actually pretty good".  It's not like I'm in love with Disney Channel or something now, I just like one song by Hannah Montana... I can't admit it to my friends either though.  

  24. lol, i know there not that bad.

    btw can you tell me where you were downloading the music?

    i wanna get some new music :)

  25. So what if you like them?It's your taste, and you shouldn't change it just because it's cool to hate them.

  26. it is stupid that people hate them.

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