
Omg... sexism???

by  |  earlier

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omg i just found out that in a lot of places the age of consent for s*x is waaay higher for women than for men! why is this? i thought people were not sexist anymore. :(




  1. yeah, and they claim that girls mature quicker...

    anything to get the rape stats up.

    anyway we protect our women, what would have happened to them if we didn't?

  2. I can only speculate.  Society has always tried to protect innocent girls from the clutches of older, lecherous men.  Little boys were considered lucky, no matter how young or innocent, if any WOMAN sexually accosted them.

    Yes, it is a double standard, but that thinking is slowly fading away.  Although our fascination with the latter case can border on bemusement, we now witness female predators being incarcerated, albeit with lesser sentences, along with males.

    P.S.  And if girls supposedly more mature or mature faster than boys, then the situation should have been the opposite:  Higher age limit for boys, lower for girls.

  3. Women mature mentally more than men so go figure.

  4. Braun, you just can't get enough of being annoying to the women this morning!

    (Don't you EVER want to get laid again?!)

    Forget about all that p**n! ((As far as I can tell, you have WAY too much of it, and are trying to blame the women for YOUR addiction problem.

    Try being a nice guy, a friend.

    It's very very satisfying.

    And it'll be something you'll still have ,even after your thing dont work so good anymore 'cause you got old!

  5. like, omg! your like totaly right!

  6. yes it is, i find it amusing as everyone says women mature faster than men, so the age of consent should actually be lower for women as they can give "responsible" consent before men.

  7. Because our eyes tell us that women have much harder time controlling themselves sexually than men.



    SpringBreakYoungS1uts parts 1-5



    I'm sure being a nice guy affords you plenty of time for selfsatisfaction, uhh I actually uhh prefer having my s*x with women and feminists-- but hey, THIS IS A DEMOCRACY DAMNIT!! I agree with any decision you want for yourself man.

  8. Because young females get pregnant and often fall victim to cons who are only looking for one thing, but seeing how abortion is legal and all, I really don't see where the concern is at, considering there are no longer consequences to the actions. A quote I once heard from a male, if she is old enough to bleed she is old enough to breed. Why shouldn't a forty year old man be able to have s*x with a 12 year old? ;-)

  9. Because people are overprotective of females.

    There's an incorrectly assumed innocence.

    Anyone who disagrees clearly doesn't know women very well.

  10. Not where I live, it's exactly the other way around.

    I'd like to know which places you're referring to, and just what the differences are.

    Links would be helpful, too.

    Oh yeah ... interesting how many middle aged men seem to be keen to get that age of consent for girls down to ... well, just what precisely?

    Cheers :-)

  11. A lot of it is cultural differences and laws to stop perverts. Not that something as piddly as a law actually stops perverts in other countries from touching you whenever they please on trains, the street, the store, etc. etc. etc.

    And yes, I would know. Personally.

  12. um i suppose uve gt to think about who made the laws ?

    Daddy  did . of course a father dosnt want his daughter

    have s*x at a young age and he couldnt careless what his son was doing

  13. It's sexist if the age of consent is not the same for both genders. Since there is such a wide range of maturity within a gender it'd be hard to figure out just who is mature or not-I"ve met people in their 40's I think are very childish..
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