
Omg some one help me i really want to no?

by  |  earlier

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slight weight gain,belly pains,nausea,dizziness i have done a test have said no but that was over a month ago and im due on later to day can some one help me do u no what this is? and if it is that you think im pregnant why would i have gaind waight already since last test said no





  2. Do the test again.

    Talk to a doctor.

    Its as easy as that.

  3. take another test

  4. The last test you took was over a month ago, if you are indeed pregnant then it may have said negative because there was not enough hormone in your system to show up on the test. A month on the level will have increased and will most likely show up on another test. As for the weight gain it could be as simple as regular weight gain or you could be retaining water, which is very common in early pregnancy.

    The symptoms you mention sound like classic pregnancy signs to me but only a test will be able to confirm it.

    Good luck!

  5. if you start lactating give me a call

  6. OMG.

    I can tell just by looking at your writing.............................  Your PREGNANT!!

  7. hey hun...if i was you i would go to the doctor coz it could be more then just possible being pregnant,just tell ur doc everything and u will probly get blood tests done :) good luck

  8. Take another test and if it still says no, go to the doctor just to be safe, you'll get blood tests and a medical pregnancy test done, will give you a definite answer.

    If you are, good luck!


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