
Omg..... was i wrong

by  |  earlier

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Okay got a new boyfriend and everything was going good til one day he was over my house and we were in my room i was laying on the bed and then he got on top of me and started to make s*x motion on top of me and i told him to stop and tried to push him off of me but he wouldn't get off of me and then he forced a kissed more like a he forced me to make out with him (i was not in the mood to make out with him) and that was not the first time more like the third time and he forced me to make out another time to so what should i do should i break up or what and i been getting pressure from people at the begin of our relationship that i needed to break up with him cause im black and his white so what should i do HELP Please but it seems like i can't live without him




  1. dump him! hes just using you and i doubt h**l stop trying to have s*x with you just cause you got a purity ring so its better if you leave him

  2. okay i don't think he loves you , if he truely loved you he would'nt pressure you into anything. & if your black & hes white that has nothing to do with it either. this is how sexual assualts start , first its a silly game then he won't stop trying to makeout with you & then one day he rapes you. don't dare give it up to him , i think its really great that your saving untill marriage. but if you don't break up with him you'll be probally raped & then you'll always rember your first time was a RAPE ! :(  you deserve so much bettter , just dump him & don't feel bad . good luck in the future ♥

  3. Because you're black and he's a white teenage boy, (I'm being serious) He'll think you're an easy way to get laid

    Dump him

  4. Honey, this is only Stage 1 of a disaster relationship.

    The guy takes advantage of you and pressures you.

    Stage 2 is where you do something you regret

    Stage 3....4.....eventually he could become abusive believe it or not.

    It happens to the best of men.

    Don't be pressured by other people to break up with him.

    Just sit in your room, have some silence, and THINK about it.

    You are better off without a guy like him taking control of your life.

    Have some respect for yourself, and find a guy who treats you like a princess, because honey, they are out there, honest to God.

    Just get it over with and end it before it goes on too long....

    Way to tell him "no" when he did that to you...That's strength right there.

    Good luck!

  5. It sounds like he wants to take advantage of you, you can live without're better off, too.

  6. You can live without him.  It may not feel like it but you can.  This is looking like a dangerous situation for you. Eventually you will give in to him and do something you'll regret

  7. hes probably just using u for s*x and you should seriously dump him

    he might force you to do something worst than making out  

  8. dump him!

  9. You need to STOP seeing him and STOP communicating with him. You can live without him because he's not even man enough to treat you like a girl should be treated.

    It doesn't matter that you're black and he's white, what matters is that he respects you... which he clearly doesn't.

  10. Girl.....RUN! seriously.....this guy has zero respect for you emotionally or physically. No one should EVER force you to kiss....this will just turn into forced s*x.....rape and that is not a place you want to be. Who cares about slack you got from people, let them think what they want....this is about your safety
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