
Omg .. where are my contacts?!!! are they stuck?!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i fell asleep while doing homework yesterday.. and when i woke up i removed the contact from my right eye but i couldnt take out the left contact. then i realized that i cant see clearly out of the left eye. i thought that it fell out so i looked around for it but i cant find it.. i looked under my eyelids but.. its like not anywhere..T_T

i tried to sleep so the contact will come back but its still not there..

this morning i had to go out so i put in another contact.. but idk if the old one is still there..

i dont feel any pain or anything.. but .. what should i do??!!




  1. they're inside your eyelid.

  2. If the right eye is blurry then the contact is out.  More than likely you rubbed it out in your sleep and once contacts dry, they become like glass, so you could have rolled over on it and it could have shattered into very, teeny pieces.  As long as there's no irritation, then I'd consider it lost.

    As a side note, you should NOT fall asleep in your contacts.  I learned the hard way when I slept in my contacts and deeply scratched my cornea so badly I nearly lost the sight in that eye all together.

  3. If you aren't feeling any irritation, don't worry about it.

    It isn't there, or you would feel it.

    You wouldn't be able to wear a new one in that eye if there was one stuck up under your lid.

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