
Omg y does dis keep happening??? Help plz???

by  |  earlier

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Ok everytime I post a new question it gets deleted it says its ben removed but i dnt be removing it do u think soeone knows mi password???




  1. Not being cruel, but perhaps it could have something to do with your English and spelling.  Brush up on those two things and see if it helps.  Good luck.

  2. You have to watch the content of your questions as well, if it has swearing in it, or if it offends someone, it can be reported and deleted. Read the Terms of Use again.

  3. I have gone to answer a few of your queries only to have a message informing me you removed the question.

    Try checking your setup to ensure you are not deleting your messages by accident.

    Then again, if you use key words the 'Bot' is set up to look for and delete question before it is read, that is also a possibility.

    Try spelling out words completely such as this answer and save your shorthand text for cell messages and maybe more of your questions will pass the 'Bot' Test.

  4. Sounds like you have a bug in your profile here on Yahoo Answers..

    Send yahoo a message to the Answers Tech Team..

    You can get the form by going to the upper right hand corner of this page and click onto HELP option.

  5. Questions, answers, or comments are removed for the reasons stated here - .

    It's possible either a user(s) reported you for an abuse of guidelines or a Y/A staffer/software just pulled the question or answer off. It's just a system that combines human discretion with various automated software, so mistakes happen. We can't tell you for sure, so you should try to get an official answer from Y/A.

    There is an appeal process for violations. If you suspect that you may have received a violation in error, it is in your best interest to appeal that violation. See for details. If those avenues don't work, then you can have a second-chance at appeal on the Wrongful Violations board:

    If your question was removed without a violation notice, just try e-mailing the staff at .

    Also, please read more about the service that you are using here:

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