
Omg!!Why do I sometimes feel bi sexual!!?

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Majority of the times I just want to think about men, and how their s**y bodies look and stuff, and I do have sexual fantasies with men. I 'm still a virgin. But sometimes I have sexual fantasies with women. Sometimes I want to look at women pictures such as telia tequila. And sometimes I don't. Or sometimes I get a little upset when I see naked women pictures and get annoyed. But majority of the times i looovveee to look at men. When I see a woman, and she's bi, i sometimes question my self " am i bi"? And when i see a s**y boy, I forget about be bi, and just be straight and look a men all freakin day. I'm confused. Could i be bi. Or is it something teens go through. I'm 15. i don't want to be bi.




  1. maybe you're just curious to see what you might look like in 5 years

  2. it's normal. do whatever feels good

  3. everyone girl looks at pictures of women like that. its not a sexual thing but because your used to looking at men that way you think it is. just dont worry about it, its completely normal :) and if you dont want to be bi then you arent. its your decision :)  

  4. Relax.....your only 15 and you will find a log of things "s**y" for a while however....I think you are just fine....being bi in not the end of the you get older things will become clearer....just relax enjoy looking as you really are too young to be touching anyway....

  5. you may be bi.

    you will never know until you embrace it and allow yourself to truly feel it.

    btw being bi isn't all that bad.  

  6. Thinking that a women is physically attractive doesn't automatically make you a bisexual. Ask yourself this question " Could i see myself dating or having more than a friendship with a women? If that answer is yes then maybe you are a bisexual. Sexuality is a complicated thing. Only you can find the real answer to your question. So what if you are bisexual? It's not a bad thing. Then again its normal to experiment at your age it's only normal to ask yourself that question.

  7. Completely normal to have these feelings

    it might just be phase and you're just curious

    or you may be bisexual

    but just go with the flow for the moment

    and don't try to label yourself so young

  8. Maybe women are just a fantasy, maybe not...

    Just wait it out and in time, you will probably know...

    I do feel that way about women too, sometimes, but I don't consider myself bi. I just think women are very beautiful. I like kissing girls (yeah, like in that song... ) but I never go further (well I did once, just to try it, and it was just not my thing...)

    So maybe you're like me. Which is a big "I don't know but who cares about labels anyways?"

    Instead of putting a word on it, or questioning it, just be yourself and in time, you'll see what happens;)

    But there's nothing wrong with being bi so don't feel like it is.

  9. You are straight. Women are just very hot.  

  10. you need to either m********e or get laid and stop getting on myspace and learning about yourself from quizes and surveys.

    when you rub your genitals you have an o****m. guys and girls can rub your snatch.

    everyone has private parts, its not a big deal, kiss girls on film and get paid for it imho.

    unless your ugly, then being bi is a problem

  11. you def love the kack but you're not getting any so even poon seems interesting

  12. Stop thinking about s*x and do something productive with your life, like school. An idle mind wanders, so the more you think about it the more you want to do it.  Wait until marriage to have s*x and you'll be glad you did.

  13. You don't want to be bi? Does that mean that you want to be either straight or L*****n? I struggled with it for a while,and then finally I was like, "Look Mrs. Razmataz, you're attracted to girls so get over it." But you don't have to act on it just because you feel that way.  

  14. You sound very straight to me. Your body has gone through some major changes in recent years and your hormones are causing all kinds of "feelings" that don't always line up with the truth. Being Bi is a choice, but not a good one! I know this will bring a lot of thumbs down, but I don't really care. It's more important to me to give you an honest answer. I am very happy to hear you are still a virgin and I recommend you stay that way until you are married. You will never regret waiting! God Bless!!!

  15. well alot of hormoens are goin though ur body atm telling u all these different things

    so u will probs experience fantesising about diifernt people men and woman

    but soonish u willl get ova this

    or maybe u r just bi

  16. its normal..i suggest go with the flow..your age is a critical point..explore yourself, and dont repress--it will only make things worse...

  17. because you ARE bisexual?

    not a big deal if you are

  18. you dont "feel" bi, you probably are. and you cant help what your body is attracted to.

  19. if you get upset when you see naked women then i believe your not bi. if you get turned on when you see naked women i think there is a possibility you are bi.  

  20. u might be bi but sometimes i have little sudden feelings of being bi but i know im not...usually when it happens to me im really hyper or thnking very sexual...

  21. This is completely normal, everyone goes through this in their lives. It could be a phase or you could actually be bi sexual. It is completely normal, there's nothing to be ashamed about. Me my best friend my sister ect. have all been through it. there's no way to actually tell right now if you are bi. That's up to you to decide, just don't worry about it.

  22. You don't understand the difference yet.. You are too young to determine your sexual orientation if you are 'annoyed' by a naked body.

  23. it don't mean you are but there is nothing wrong with it

  24. totally normal

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