
Omigawd, Did Kyle Busch really go winless this weekend?

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He must be in a slump. Maybe he'll break out of it soon.




  1. This is Rowdy your talking about and even though I'm not a fan of his I'm sure going winless last weekend will just put more fire in his belly and he'll be more than ready when the green flag drops again!! (as much as I hate to admit that LOL)

  2. NOOOOO!! Why do you torture me so? My wounds were just about to heal!


    I'm okay, he's okay and those who strongly dislike him are even better..

    My Rowdy will recover nicely, you'll see.

  3. Yo dats OK because he suckz DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Yep definetely lost his touch. Sad sad day for humanity. Didn't think this day would come.

  5. He will do better this week, he will finish 42nd. How's about that?

    He is such an Idiot

  6. Yes he did go winless and I really hope the slump continues.

  7. He will win next week! GO ROWDY!!!!!!!!!

  8. OMG ROwdy NOOOOO!!  LMAO  

    He has a bunch more wins commin this season but i was glad to see new winners that initals arent K.B

  9. Rowdy in a slump....NOT!!!  and I'm not even a Rowdy fan,  he just had some good ole racing bad luck, it happens to all drivers, I do not think the flying all over bothered him at all..I'm sure Rowdy and his fans will be just fine this weekend..

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

  10. even though the odds were against him...the three races and fatigue all that...I do believe he gave it his all and when he does it again...and he'll see a win or two...... or three.

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