
Omnipotently Speaking: Why should a Created Physical Universe be subject to Laws & Reproducible Observations?

by  |  earlier

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... Even "backwards" ones! :-D





  1. without rule of law there would be chaos...what you think God didn't know that ?

  2. You're right. If the universe was made by magic, then why do laws of physics even exist? Why isn't the Earth flat like they used to think?

  3. To Create ANYTHING- is to Introduce "Boundaries..." And for Boundaries to be maintained- then "Laws" & such must govern them. IF some sort of "Higher Power" created the Universe, we can attribute its current structure to THAT Power. If One didn't, then there must be some be some manner of Physical "Laws"- that are randomly arranging the Universe into the shifting "shapes" we see...

  4. If I could speak omnipotently, wouldn't I be TOP ANSWERER

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