
Omq help am I too late?

by  |  earlier

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Ok here's the deal I had unprotected s*x saturday well technically sunday the 31st at 1am I just took the plan b today at 6:30pm I'm supposed to qet my period on the 20th. I checked and supposedly I was fertile can someone plz help clear my mind.




  1. well there is nothing you can do now but wait.  Good Luck.  

  2. When is unprotected s*x ever a good idea?

    Get with the times, sister.

  3. Well your just going to have to wait until around the 20th and see. If you don't get your period that week get a pregnancy test. Next time be protected.  

  4. I don't understand people like you! There are places you can go and get complete free birth control without parents or anyone knowing about it. You can even choose the birth control you want to get on...What is wrong with you? Are you just lazy? Go down to Planned Parenthood and get on birth control!!! Jeeze!!!!

  5. Plan B's effectiveness is 72 hours. It is far less effective at 72 hours than it is at 24 hours. You waited 89 hours. This pill isn't going to make you un-ovulate, or de-fertilize your egg, if those things have already happened. That's why it has to be taken ASAP.

    About the only comfort I can offer is that there's only a 25% chance of pregnancy even when you're most fertile. Don't get me wrong, 1 in 4 is a huge chance, but it's still more likely that you won't be pregnant that that you will.

    Don't count on getting your period on the 20th, either. Delayed periods are the most common side effect of the morning-after pill.

  6. should have thought of that before you went and had unprotected s*x....?

    seriously if you are dumb and careless enough to do that, then maybe you should get pregnant, to teach you a lesson.

  7. chances are it will just be a stress baby; look for signs like tender b***s and immense growth (i went up a full cup size!) and morning sickness. swollen ankles and headaches can also be signs. but don't freak out, take a pregnancy test next week (don't be afraid to splurge on the test. the better the brand, the more accurate it will be). just relax and try to do things you enjoy, like exercise or hanging with friends. keep your mind clear for about a week before the test and don't let yourself think about it! have a friend buy the test for you.

    don't worry, i'm sure your fine. guys can be very unpredictable and extremely unreliable, but the good thing in that is that they don't always "release all their junk" inside you. trust your body, don't get too invested too quickly. good luck!

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