
On Average At what age is a Girls Body ready for sexual intercourse?

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I know every ones body is different but On Average At what age is a Girls Body ready for sexual intercourse?kids are having s*x so young these days as young as 12 years old,but when is a girl really ready for s*x as far as her body goes?




  1. technically a girl is ready for intercourse once she goes through puberty, but for some girls this is as young as 10 or 11, and 99% of society will tell you that is still a child and not ready. there is a reason why there is an age of consent in most states (usually 16) and the repercussions of having s*x too early are physical as well as emotional. over 75% of girls who had s*x before the age of 18 wish they had waited really think about these things before you have s*x. with adult priveleges come adult consequences.  

  2. I don't know,, but I think it's when they first get their period. Hormones start kicking in and I think they get more curious and they want to experience things.

  3. I have 4 daughters, when the boy can outrun a bullet he can ask my husband that question and see what reply he gets

  4. Well, naturally, after they get their period. But, in this day and age, you should wait until your an adult.

    hope it helped!


  5. Technically the girl's body is ready for s*x when she is able to conceive. Therefore when she has her first period.

    However, in today's society, I don't think she is ready mentally.

  6. It differs from girl to girl, but maybe 15, 16? Not that I recommend it that young ahah

  7. Technically, girls are ready for s*x when they hit puberty. If you study history, you'll find that in a lot of cultures, girls were expected to be married off by 14 and having plenty of offspring with smelly old men.

    Of course, nowadays we have that "emotional" factor of when a girl is really "ready," and it is not recommended that girls have s*x and get married before they're of age.

  8.   The day she  legally  gets married,  she is ready.  

  9. FIVE years old.

    Lina Medina gave birth at five years of age.  

  10. I would say 16.

  11. It varies because not every female develops at the same time.  A female should not have s*x until she is mentally ready.  

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