
On Big Brother 10, Should Dan have back doored Ollie and work to vote him out this week?

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I think that is what Dan should of done. He should of given Ollie the false hope that he would stay and then back doored him, Ollie is going to be out to work to get Dan out next week and I think he will try and get Renny to flop next week.




  1. No, I believe getting Michelle out is the best move to make right now. It removes any ties Memphis had with her so he will be more loyal to Dan. Ollie is the only houseguest that has not win a single competition. He can't do mental challenges, only physical. Michelle still wants revenege for Jesse's eviction and was planning on nominating Keesha and Dan. Now get this. Ollie and Jerry want to put up Memphis and Keesha...not Dan! They both think Memphis is a bigger threat. How freaking amazing is Dan's gameplay? He's completely dominating this game.

  2. No.  I think Dan made the right choice.  Ollie is not a very good player in the competitions, so if Ollie was evicted, there would probably be a better chance that Michelle would win and nominate Dan.  But since Michelle will most likely leave, then either Keesha, Renny or Memphis could win HOH and Dan would be safe.  Then hopefully, Ollie would leave during the second eviction.

  3. I totally agree with you.

  4. I think Ollie will go after Memphis

    I think Jerry will do what Ollie wants

    He will try, but Renny will do what best for her and Keesha

    Ollie will go after Keesha, Memphis and Dan will not

  5. Yeah he should have back doored Ollie - Did you see how violent Ollie got at the end of the show - couldn't contain his rage.. please - Ollie did nothing in this game.. I don't think he actually meant to "lay low under the radar" he does not know how to play it..

    AS IF he could have the HOH power..all of it.. come on...

    Cannot wait for Thursday double eviction!! Maybe he'll be leaving!!

  6. I think he made a good decision. Michelle is way stronger in HOH comp when it comes to questions. Ollie may be better in endurance competitions but Michelle pays more attention to what is going on in the house. I think Keesha or Renny will win HOH on Thursday because when I saw the poll on cbs it seems like these two can answer these questions correctly.

    Even if Ollie would have been eliminated, Michelle would try to get Dan evicted. The same goes when Michelle will get evicted.

  7. No, I don't think Dan should have backdoored Ollie because this way he was able to hold most of his deal... Even if Dan could not keep the last part of the deal, Ollie should have been grateful that Dan kept most of it... Ollie should have known that it would not be possilbe for Dan to give him ALL that power... When one is hanging on a string in the middle of the cold for over 3 Hours, Dan would have promised anything...

    Come on!  This is BB10... Even people with the best initial intentions will change their mind when they realize they made a bad deal.  I don't think there is a single person EVER in BB history that has ever kept their word from beginning to end.  People say things and then later change their mind.  That's how you make it in the BB House.

    But, I think Dan's plan to start fireworks in the house will backfire on him... He looks like a jerk, playing with everyone in the house and then shocking both Michelle and Ollie with basically an "in your face" backdoor.

    Dan should have continued to look like the sorry puppy and just be honest with Ollie before the veto meeting that he could not keep the last part but he will definately keep Ollie off the block... Ollie would have been upset that he could not pick the nominee but still grateful that Dan did not put him up, like he promised.  Now, Dan has to watch his back again (and with this veto roulette game... I think he made his own alliance uneasy with him.  It kinda shows everyone that he is really scheming hard.  Right now, only Renny can see through Dan and is very suspicious of him).  Renny is a floater... If Dan doesn't be nice to her she's gonna flip to Ollie.

  8. I'm afraid that this whole deal is gonna backfire in Dan's face cause Renny is a loose cannon and you never really know what she will do plus she really likes Ollie so the possibility of her flipping is very good. I hope not for Dan's sake but you never know!

  9. yeah i totally agree

    ollie is gonna do everything to get him out next week

    and dan was soo stupid to make that deal in the first place

  10. i totally agree. it would have been a HUGE upset to Ollie's ego. going around saying "im hoh" blah blah blah. i can not stand him. and i hope the double eviction...he goes...! lets pray!

  11. I agree with you 100%.  If he would have gotten Ollie out, Michelle would have no choice but to play very hard, and again, her alliance would have shifted.  

  12. Yes. To be honest, i think it was very stupid of Dan to first of all, make that deal, and second, to keep his word on it. Now he's a big target for ollie. and if ollie gets that HOH. Dan's gone.

  13. No, he did the right thing.  Michelle's capabilities and chances in the comp.'s are too strong - way stronger than Ollie, for Dan to have kept her.  And she's a loose cannon!  

    - One minute she's sweet and patting someone on the back, and the next, it's potty-mouth city!  Whoa.. If you could hear what comes out of her mouth about people!  I think, personally, especially when she has alcohol in her..that SHE's the one who fuels Ollie's and Jerry's anger (even more).  Ollie gets going, and as shown, has!  And Jerry agrees with her all the time.  No, she has to go.  Dan did not want to give her and her attitude another shot at HOH and power, he was smart.  

    Dan may have a target on his back.. but he's not sitting around throwing fits and screaming at people.  He's 'playing THE Game'!!  And doing an amazing, unrelenting, nice job of it!  I can see him as a strategic football coach for sure.  And right now, he's still not the #1 name on everybody's lips, imagine that!  GO Dan! :)

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