
On Big Brother 10,why was Libra eliminated?

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On Big Brother 10,why was Libra eliminated?




  1. Because Michelle (who was HOH at the time) was blind, and acting idiotic.  I still don't appreciate her comments' directed towards Libra as a mother!  Keesha was behind everything, and Libra took the fall for it, because Keesha was quieter than Libra.  It wasn't a 'game play', it was purely revenge (falsely) for Jessie AND for stealing her 'Hawaian Vacation".. something Libra had a right to do.

    I don't want Michelle to win, but I want Dan to keep going! Yeah..

  2. she was evicted because michelle won HOH and targeted the two people she held responsible for getting jessie out of the house. which was libra and keesha. she felt that libra was the one who decided to get the votes together to evict jessie instead of evicting memphis as planned. she believed that libra was a liar and a huge threat. the house agreed and evicted her over keesha.

  3. when michelle won hoh she went out on avenges to vote out the people who lied and broke their word and voted Jessie out, so she nominated Keesha and Libra responsible for the the plot to evict Jessie. A lot of talk was thrown back and forth about who ACTUALLY started the whole thing but it came down to how libra trated people and how all fight lead back to her. she was an annoying loud mouth and i don't blame them for voting her out.  

  4. B/C She Did Not No How To Play The Game & Was Such A t**d To Everybody In The House Even To Her Team Mate Jerry & Yes I Don't

    Like Jerry But When You Screem At A Man That Is 75 Years Old You

    Are Just A t**d!!!!!

  5. Yes she was

    Sorry read the question wrong.  She was eliminated because she had so many opinions and caused so much drama

  6. Because Michelle won HOH

    Libra made it clear that she who she wanted out

    Michelle was one of them

    Michelle believe she was behind Jesse eveiction

    Libra caused a lot of drama

    Libra took a trip away from Michelle

    When Michelle won HOH, Libra knew her only chance was the POV

    She knew she was going up, and most likely leaving

    She said herself, if she was michelle, I would put me up

    If Michelle did not win, and Keesha, she would still be there

  7. She got voted out because she kept running her mouth when she probably should of kept it closed and Michelle had HOH and held Libra and Keeshia responsible for evicting Jesse so Libra took the fall because more of the house guests had more of a problem with her!

  8. Because it was in the script.

  9. She was eliminated because people evict/vote based on their emotions, not based on overall strategy.  Do you really think that she and Angie were ever big threats?

    They clashed with the wrong people, and got screwed over for it.  In the mean time, big threats like Ollie and Memphis are sitting pretty.

    I hate that she's gone, she was one of my favorites.  I think some people just can't handle a strong, beautiful, and opinionated woman like Libra.

  10. The reason Libra was put out was because most of the house preferred Keesha over her so they voted her out.

    Michelle had her people get Libra out because she took the trip away from her & gave her the red unitart.HA HA!! Not to mention Jessie hated Libra more than Keesha except for the 1 night that they fought.

    I ♥ Big Brother!!

  11. Mainly because, early on, she was the instigator of a lot of the drama in the BB house.  Remember, it was Libra who started the campaign to get Brian out of the house the very first week.  Then, when she and Keesha turned on April and got Jessie evicted, even though Keesha had been the main one to turn the votes, everyone assumed it was Libra because of her earlier actions.  Also, her personality tended to rub some of the houseguests the wrong way.


  12. cuz she got an attidude with everybody in the house nd she is enimies wit everybody nd has got on there bad side

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