
On CNBC right now there seems to be an Olympic walking competition. WTF?

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Is an Olympic medal in walking work anything? Really...someone just got disqualified for running. I think this wins the stupidest event ever....OMG..




  1. Yeah the run/walk I tried watching the men do it and got frustrated and finally turned the channel. I could never do that but I can't watch it either.  

  2. 20k walk, haa

  3. omg no way! haha lame.

  4. lol yeah the line that separates fast walking and running is a big gray area

  5. Ace, you're not quite correct.  The stupidest event ever is synchronized swimming.


  6. I will take the thumbs down, but just had to say this is what my kids look like when I tell them to walk not run by the pool.  They do this sort of fast walking thing.  I have seen many mall walkers that could do this too.  In respect to the atheletes I'm sure there is some training and rules that we don't understand, but really they are just walking, I mean what does that say as an accomplishment.  I can walk faster than you!! ooohhh!

  7. Haha yes, it was on TV and my little 4 year old niece said "Why do they all need to use the bathroom?" I suppose a gold medal is a gold medal, but personally I find it to be a very stupid sport that is quite painful too watch.  

  8. yeah i think its stupid too, the rules are at least one foot must always be on the ground. funny story, i was at penn relays and we got there early enough to catch the race walk. the guy who was winning was way ahead of everyone else when all of a sudden he fell over vomiting, he gets up still in first, then 10 meters before the finish he throws up again, gets passed and barely gets second. kinda felt bad for him but at the same time he threw up in a race walk.

  9. LMAO. They look like penguins. They be shaking their asses. LMAO. I still can't believe there is walking competition.

  10. Well, if you think race walking is the stupidest event ever, you are the stupidest Olympic watcher ever.

    Race walking has been in the Olympic program for years, and it requires a huge amount of technique, strength, and endurance. Do you think it's easy to walk as fast as possible without ever lifting both feet from the ground at the same time?

    I know I will get a lot of thumbs down, but I don't care... there's nothing worse than someone who has no idea about sports who pretends to be funny.

  11. Grow up.

    I'd love to see you walk 20km as fast at they do.  You would never last.

  12. they walk like they have to use the washroom real bad

  13. Ha!  I was just thinking the same thing and had to type "olympic walking - weird?" into google and here I am.  They look so funny!!  

    However I got to give them credit.. walking fast for over 12 miles, always making sure that at least 1 foot is on the ground...  more than I could do I am sure!  but they still look like penguins!

  14. An olympic medal is an olympic medal.

  15. I wonder what the responses will be if the gold medalist is an American. People, respect the atheles even they are not from your own country. The only stupid thing I can see is making fun of people who are trying their best competiting under Olympics spirit.

  16. I agree it's kinda weird since in most sports you try to go as fast as you can here they are only walking.

    The rule is that you must have one foot touching the ground at all times. It looks funny too. Lots of Olympic sports seem silly to me.

    The Winter sport where you ride a sled down the chute? How much skill is it to just lay down on a sled?

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