
On Creature Breeder how do you get that tree from the wild?

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  1. Twilight fines are very hard to find.If any one gets one I am willing to give you 40,000 for it. My account name is DaisysSoFly


    thank you..

  2. ok its called the twilight vine so to get it you have to get on at twilight then go to the wild and by the columns and it will be there. But plan ahead because it is only there on exactly twilight. Hope that helped. Oh on the CB I'm babycakes40. I got a twilight vine but I sold it for around 20,000fbs.

  3. ok its called the twilight vine so to get it you have to get on at twilight then go to the wild and by the columns and it will be there. But plan ahead because it is only there on exactly twilight. Hope that helped. Oh on the CB I'm babycakes40. I got a twilight vine but I sold it for around 20,000fbs.

  4. ok its called the twilight vine so to get it you have to get on at twilight then go to the wild and by the columns and it will be there. But plan ahead because it is only there on exactly twilight. Hope that helped. Oh on the CB I'm babycakes40. I got a twilight vine but I sold it for around 20,000fbs.

  5. i♥dooooogs

  6. dogs

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