
On Earth Day, how will you celebrate a destroyed planet?

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Will you continue your vows to protect and obey a criminal government?




  1. It is not destroyed, that is a very anthropocentric point of view.

    What happens if you don't vow?

  2. I plan to drive my Viper to the Earth Day celebrations.

  3. Is it our fault?  Most of these changes took place before our generation.  You want us to start destroying civilization so nature can have it back?  Because that would be fun, but its illegal and wrong.  So stop your extremism at once.

  4. Our earth is not destroyed.

  5. all of you are being completely absurd. the earth is being destroyed. the pace in which north america is ruining the natural beauty and taking conservation into no length of consideration whatsoever IS to me criminal.

    scott the only reason china and other nearby oriental countries such as thailand, japan, ect. are polluting so vastly is simply a result of our unlimited consuming habits. scott do me a favour and take a tour a tour of your home looking at containers, household items, ect and im sure you find most of them saying made in china.

    we are dumping our pollution into their hands providing them with vastly increased green gases, sicknesses and local environment destruction.

    perhaps green day '08 wll open somepeolples eyes to the continental problem we have pushes aside for all these years. think of it this way:

    without a earth, we dont live

    the way we are living, soon enough there will be no earth

    Understand the pattern, ?

  6. We'll probably grill out.

  7. Those two things aren't exactly connected. The government has never ordered me to pollute.

    And besides, China is polluting faster than we could if we tried our very best.

    We wouldn't be having this discussion if environmentalist would not have raised h**l over our nuclear program so many years ago. Its the cleanest realistic way to create energy available.

  8. I will talk to my 2nd graders about what we can do to prevent the destruction and what they can do as our future to help out.

  9. I don't know how we would. The government may not be forcing us to pollute, but they are impeding those who wish to help our planet. Our government is corrupt and evil, and any who say otherwise are morons. My birthday is the day after Earth Day, and I would prefer to not have to spend it inside because there is so much smog in the air that my eyes water and my brother has an asthma attack. I stick to my convictions too. I recycle, don't use Styrofoam or any other products like that, but those efforts are being counteracted by other people being wasteful and just plain consumers. I'll bet that by my fourteenth birthday there will be some slush were there used to be glaciers. Anybody who says global climate change doesn't exist is blind. These ice storms in the Northeast and extreme droughts are proof enough, not to mention the marine ecosystem being in its death throes. All of these huge corporations and the industrialized nations have signed the "do not resuscitate" order for the planet, even while there is a chance to save it. I hope that things will be better by the time I'm old enough to vote, though I expect they will be worse.

    Nigel, 13, in CA

  10. I will continue to throw apple cores, pear cores, banana peels, and half eaten bits of fruit or veggies out my car window (making sure they land on the ground beside the road).  

    It is not littering as they feed the birds, bugs, and become composted nutrients to enrich the soil.

  11. hug a tree, kiss a cactus, stick your finger in a venus flytrap

  12. EATHDAY  is my Birthday. Without Earth my Birth was not possible. My mother/Daddy gives brith of me in this Eath before 50 Years. Now I am running 50 Years.

    I love Flowers/Rivers/Mountains/Streams/Sea/Isl... and of course I love Geography of this Earth. I got more marks in Geography subject.

    On earth day, I bring Flowers/Fruits/Vegitables/Varity of Leaves and decorate with all the above items.

    Clean the Floor of House and decorate with Flowers/Fruits/Vegitables and sourred by Toys Animals/Birds like Peacock/Tiger/Horse/elecphent/Tortoies etc.

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