
On Employee tax forms, What does infirm dependant mean and misc others Q's?

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Filing out a Employee Tax form and was wondering what is the difference between line 7.8 and 9???

(7) Amount for eligible dependent

(8)Care giver amount

(9) Amount for Infirm dependents age 18 and over





  1. Each of these questions increases your basic tax excemption, so rather than waiting until you file your tax return to get these tax reduction you will get a porion on each pay cheque.

    Infirm dependant questions

    Note You also should have a signed statement from a medical doctor that gives the nature, commencement, and duration of the dependant’s impairment.

    7. First dependent non-married taxpayer (actually spousal equvlient)

    8. Amount for taking care of a parent (does not need to be infirmed)

    9. Amount for taking care of infirm dependants

    1 Infirmed Dependant =

    You can claim an amount up to a maximum of $4,019 for each of your or your spouse or common-law partner's dependent child or grandchild only if that child or grandchild had a mental or physical impairment and was born in 1989 or earlier.

    You also can claim an amount for more than one person as long as each one meets all of the following conditions. The person must have been:

    your or your spouse or common-law partner's parent, grandparent, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, niece, or nephew;

    born in 1989 or earlier;

    mentally or physically impaired;

    dependent on you, or on you and others, for support; and

    a resident of Canada at any time in the year. You cannot claim this amount for a person who was only visiting you.

    The diiferences between lines 7-9.

    (7) Amount for eligible dependent is a deduction for persons without spouses, it basically is a spusally equalient for your first dependant (usually child)

    (8)Care giver amount  Deduction for taking care of a parent (you can have a spouse) does not need to be infirmed just dependant on you

    (9) Amount for Infirm dependents age 18 and over For the deduction the dependent MUST be infirmed.

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