
On Flickr, what are medals for?

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On there, someone is offering me one by the comments on one of my pictures if add my picture to their club. The thing is, how can I see other people with one or is just all made up to fool people into adding their photos? Honestly, I don't know about medals work because I haven't got one before so can somebody just give me basic help. Thanks.




  1. They're not just trying to get more people in they're Groups they're just Invites.Before you get into that group someone might give you an invite cuz they like your photo.After you join that group and add your photo someone might give you an Award,if they like your photo.It's like a game really.I myself love Awards ,most of us do.Most groups require you to give awards when you post a pic.I am in like 200 groups.It doesn't hurt to be in a lot.I just don't go in ones that allow nudity.

  2. there are groups that have such virtual awarding, check you privacy and permissions settings if needed,

    though there may be phishing related, if so report


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