
On Fox News right nowthere is the case about the?

by Guest65425  |  earlier

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lady and her missing two year old daughter (who was missing for 5 weeks) But the mom didn't tell anyone.. Your thoughts on this case?

Its creepy. And sad.




  1. I saw an interview with the grandma and the mom's attorney this morning on the Today show.  I simply cannot understand how the daughter could be missing that long before she notified the police.  Then, when she took them to the apartment where she said she had dropped the child off at a babysitters, they discovered no one had lived there for months!  I think there is much more to this case than the mother is sharing about how she might be involved in the disappearance of her adorable daughter.  In addition, the attorney seemed more concerned with "providing a defense for the mother" instead of finding the missing child which leads me to believe even more that she is somehow responsible or involved.

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